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Zhaohui Wang

Wang Zhaohui, Ph.D.
Principal Investigator

1992 - 98 Ph.D. in Developmental Biology, The University of Chicago
1990 - 92 M.S. in Physiology, Loyola University Chicago Medical Center
1986 - 90 completed 4 years of the 6-year program in medicine, School of Medicine, Beijing Medical University

Research Interest

We are interested in dissecting the genetic program that controls the germ cell differentiation and proliferation during the development from embryonic gonad formation to adult gametogenesis. Using Drosophila as the model system, we have been studying how the somatic and the germline components of the gonad communicate with each other to establish the correct cell fate and to reach the proper cell number.  To search for more genes required in germ cell development, we are conducting a clonal-analysis-based genetic screen which specifically targets the male germline. This screen ought to uncover the factors acting during the development from the late embryonic gonad to adult testis. To date, we have isolated 21 mutations (including 3 known) that disrupt early germline maintenance, stem cell renewal, or germline amplification. Further investigations are underway, and our long-term goal is to extend our findings in Drosophila to mammalian research


Lab Members
LI Xin, Research Assistant & Lab manager
GAO Zhiyang, Research Scientist
LIU Xian, Postdoc
MENG Fanlei, graduate student (2019-)
LIU Ziqi, graduate student (2021-)
LIU Yajie, graduate student (2021-)
WANG Lixia, Lab manager (2004-17, retired)
WANG Yonghua, Ph.D. student (2002-09)
LI Chunyan, Ph.D. student (2003-09)
ZHANG Yi, Ph.D. student (2003-10)
GUO Zheng, Ph.D. student (2004-10)
SUN Shuguo, Ph.D. student (2004-10)
ZHAO Shaowei, Ph.D. student (2005-12)
CHEN Di, Ph.D. student (2006-13)
GAO Yu, M.S. student (2010-13)
GENG Qing, Ph.D. student (2006-14)
ZHANG Yang, M.S. student (2011-14)
WU Chan, Ph.D. student (2008-15)
TANG Yaning, Ph.D. student (2010-16)
SHAN Lingjuan, Ph.D. student (2009-16)
ZHAO Songhua, Ph.D. student (2013-19)
ZENG Gang, Ph.D. student (2014-19)
WU Jianbo, Ph.D. student (2015-20)
CHANG Zhenrui, M.S. student (2017-21)
XU Shudi, M.S. student (2019-2022)
YANG Xue, M.S. student (2020-2023)
LIU Xian, Ph.D. student (2015-2023)


LIU Xian, LI Xin, WANG Zhaohui.(2023) The spatiotemporal pattern of glypican coordinates primordial germ cell differentiation with ovary development.  iScience 27(1): https://doi.org/10.1016/j.isci.2023.108710.
Meng F, Li X, Zhang J, Gao Z, Yang X, Liu Z, Liu Y, Guo T, Wang L, Yang L, Wang Z.  (2023)  Single amino acid variation in MAB21L1 is dominantly associated with congenital eye defects. J Med Genet 60(7):655-661. doi: 10.1136/jmg-2022-108506. Epub 2022 Nov 29.
WU Jianbo, LI Xin, GAO Zhiyang, PANG Lin, LIU Xian, HUANG Xiahe, WANG Yingchun, WANG Zhaohui. (2021)  RNA Kinase CLP1/Cbc Regulates Meiosis Initiation in Spermatogenesis.  Human Molecular Genetics 30 (17): 1569–1578, https://doi.org/10.1093/hmg/ddab107[W1] 
Songhua Zhao, Chan Wu, Zhiyang Gao, Xin Li, Zheng Guo and Zhaohui Wang. (2020) Notch signaling governs the expression of glypican Dally to define the stem cell niche. Biology Open 9(1): doi:10.1242/bio.047696
Junsheng Li , Minzhen Lu, Puyao Zhang , Entai Hou, Tianjie Li , Xian Liu, Xiaofei Xu , Zhaohui Wang, Yong Fan , Xiumei Zhen , Rong Li , Ping Liu , Yang Yu , Jing Hang and Jie Qiao. (2020) Aberrant spliceosome expression and altered alternative splicing events correlate with maturation deficiency in human oocytes. CELL CYCLE 19(17): 2182-2194.
Tang Y, Geng Q, Chen D, Zhao S, Liu X, Wang Z. (2017) Germline Proliferation Is Regulated by Somatic Endocytic Genes via JNK and BMP Signaling in Drosophila. Genetics 206(1):189-197.  doi: 10.1534/genetics.116.196535. Epub 2017 Mar 17.
SHAN Lingjuan, WU Chan, CHEN Di, HOU Lei, LI Xin, WANG Lixia, CHU Xiao, HOU Yifeng, WANG Zhaohui  (2017)  Regulators of alternative polyadenylation operate at the transition from mitosis to meiosis.  Journal of Genetics and Genomics 44(2): 95–106.  https://authors.elsevier.com/sd/article/S1673852717300176
Chen D., Wu C., Zhao S., Geng Q., Gao Y., Li X., Zhang Y., and Wang Z. (2014) Three RNA Binding Proteins Form a Complex to Promote Differentiation of Germline Stem Cell Lineage in Drosophila.  PLoS Genetics 10(11):e1004797. doi: 10.1371/journal.pgen.1004797.
Zhao S, Chen D, Geng Q, Wang Z.  (2013) The Highly Conserved LAMMER/CLK2 Protein Kinases Prevent Germ Cell Overproliferation in Drosophila. Developmental Biology 376(2):163-70.
Zhang Y, Zhang Y, Gao Y, Zhao X, Wang Z. (2011) Drosophila long-chain acyl-CoA synthetase acts like a gap gene in embryonic segmentation. Developmental Biology  353(2):259-65.

 Zhang Y, Chen D, Wang Z.  (2009) Analyses of mental dysfunction-related ACSL4 in Drosophila reveal its requirement for Dpp/BMP production and visual wiring in the brain. Human Molecular Genetics 18(20): 3894–5.

 Wang Y, Wang L, Wang Z. (2008) Transgenic analyses of TGIF family proteins in Drosophila imply their role in cell growth. J Genetics& Genomics 35(8): 457-65. 

 Sun S, Zhao S, Wang Z. (2008) Genes of Hippo signaling network act unconventionally in the control of germline proliferation in Drosophila. Developmental Dynamics 237(1):270-5. 

 Li C, Guo Z, Wang Z. (2007) TGFβ receptor saxophone non-autonomously regulates germline proliferation in a Smox/dSmad2-dependent manner in Drosophila testis. Developmental Biology 309(1):70-7. 

 Wang Z and Mann R. (2003) Requirement for two nearly identical TGIF-related homeobox genes in Drosophila spermatogenesis. Development 130: 2853-65.