Jianru Zuo
Phone: 86-10-64806585
Research Area :
Our laboratory mainly focuses on the cytokinin signal transduction network and functional genomics by the use of Arabidopsis thaliana as a model system. Cytokinin is one of the so-called "classic" plant hormones, and plays an essential role in almost all aspects of plant growth and development. Despite of many years' efforts, very little is known about the genetic control and molecular mechanism of the cytokinin action as well as biosynthesis of the hormone. Using a functional screening strategy, we have been able to identify and characterize several Arabidopsis mutants (designated as plant growth activator or pga mutants) with an altered cytokinin response. We are taking a combined genetic, molecular, cellular, biochemical and genomic approach to functionally characterize pga1 and pga22 mutants, both of which show typical cytokinin response. On the other hand, we are also screening for suppressor mutants of pga1 and pga22. In long term, these studies will be able to provide important and, possibly, critical clues for our understanding on the molecular mechanism of cytokinin signaling, and have substantial impacts on agronomic applications. The completion of the Arabidopsis genomic sequencing project by an internationally collaborative effort and of the rice genomic sequencing project by Chinese scientists, dominantly by researchers in our Institute, represents a major advance in plant biology. Similar to that in other model species (e.g., yeast, Drosophila and C. elegans), we are now challenged to uncover the function of these seemingly-random assembled nucleotide sequences during the post-genome era. To reveal the precise function of a gene, mutational analysis is a classic approach and, up to date, is still the most powerful tool. A national-wide collaborative project on Plant Functional Genomic was launched on in 2001, mainly sponsored by The Ministry of Science and Technology of China and NSCF. One of the major efforts of the Project is to generate large mutant collections of both Arabidopsis and rice. In contrast to that employing the conventional T-DNA insertional mutagenesis or a constitutive enhancer/promoter-based activation tagging approach, we are using the tightly-controlled and highly-inducible XVE expression system (Zuo et al., Plant J., 24:265, 2000) to generate our mutant collections. The advantage of this inducible expression tagging system will allow us to recover mutations that cause severely developmental defects or even lethality by inducer withdrawal. The Arabidopsis project, coordinated by our laboratory, is expected to complete in 2005 by generating approximately 130,000 mutants. Our laboratory is also a member of the Rice Project team. KEY PUBLICATIONS: 1. Ma, X., Nian, J., Yu, H., Zhang, F., Feng, T., Kou, L., Zhang, J., Wang, D., Li, H., Chen, L., Dong, G., Xie, X., Wang, G., Qian, Q., Li, J., and Zuo, J. (2023) Link glucose signaling to nitrogen utilization by the OsHXK7-ARE4 complex in rice. Dev Cell, 58: 1489-1501. 2. Jing., H., Yang, X., Emenecker, R.J., Feng, J., Zhang, J., Figueiredo, M.R.A., Chaisupa, P., Wright, R.C., Holehouse, A.S., Strader, L.C., and Zuo, J. (2023) Nitric oxide-mediatedS-nitrosylation of IAA17 protein in intrinsically disordered region represses auxin signaling. J Genet Genomics, 50: 473-485. 3. Chen, L., Sun, S., Song, C.-P., Zhou, J.-M., Li, J., and Zuo, J. (2022). Nitric oxide negatively regulates gibberellin signaling to coordinate growth and salt tolerance in Arabidopsis. J Genet Genomics, 49: 756-765. 4. Li, H., Nian, J., Fang, S., Guo, M., Huang, X., Zhang, F., Wang, Q., Zhang, J., Bai, J., Dong, G., Xin, P., Xie, X., Chen, F., Wang, G., Wang, Y., Qian, Q., Zuo,, J., Chu, J., and Ma, X. (2022). Regulation of nitrogen starvation responses by the alarmone (p)ppGpp in rice. J Genet Genomics, 49: 469-480. 5. Guo, M., Wang, Q., Zong, Y., Nian, J., Li, H., Li, J., Wang, T., Gao, C., and Zuo, J. (2021). Genetic manipulations ofTaARE1boost nitrogen utilization and grain yield in wheat. J Genet Genomics, 48: 950-953. 6. Wang, Q., Su, Q., Nian, J., Zhang, J., Guo, M., Dong, G., Hu, J., Wang, R., Wei, C., Li, G., Wang, W., Guo, H.-S., Lin, S., Qian, W., Xie, X., Qian, Q., Chen, F., Zuo, J. (2021) The Ghd7 transcription factor represses theARE1expression to enhance nitrogen utilization and grain yield in rice. Mol Plant, 14: 1012-1023. 7. Chen, L., Wu, R., Feng, J., Feng, T., Wang, C., Hu, J.,Zhan, N., Li, Y., Ma, X.,Ren, B., Zhang, J., Song, C,-P., Li, J., Zhou, J.-M., and Zuo, J. (2020). Transnitrosylation mediated by the non-canonical catalase ROG1 regulates nitric oxide signaling in plants. Dev Cell, 53: 444-457. 9. Zhan, N.*, Wang, C.*, Chen, L., Yang, H., Feng, J., Gong, X., Ren, B., Wu, R., Mu, J., Li, Y., et al. (2018).S-Nitrosylation targets GSNO reductase for selective autophagy during hypoxia responses in plants. Mol Cell 71, 71: 142-154. (* These authors contributed equally) 10. Wang, Q.*, Nian, J.*, Xie, X.*, Yu, H., Zhang, J., Bai, J., Dong, G., Hu, J., Bai, B., Chen, L., Xie, Q., Feng, J., Yang, X., Peng, J., Chen, F., Qian, Q., Li, J., Zuo, J. (2018). Genetic variations inARE1mediate grain yield by modulating nitrogen utilization in rice. Nat Commun 9: 735. (* These authors contributed equally) 11. Hu, J.*, Yang, H.*, Mu, J., Lu, T., Peng, J., Deng, X., Kong, Z., Bao, S., Cao, X., Zuo, J. (2017). Nitric oxide regulates protein methylation during stress responses in plants. Mol Cell, 67: 702-710. (* These authors contributed equally) 12. Yang, X.*, Nian, J.*, Xie, Q., Feng, J., Zhang, F., Jing, H., Zhang, J., Dong, G., Liang, Y., Peng, J., Wang, G., Qian, Q., Zuo, J. (2016). Rice ferredoxin-dependent glutamate synthase regulates nitrogen-carbon metabolomes and is genetically differentiated betweenjaponicaandindicasubspecies. Mol Plant, 9: 1520-1534. (* These authors contributed equally) 13. Xie, Q.*, Liang, Y.*, Zhang, J., Zheng, H., Dong, G., Qian, Q., Zuo, J. (2016). Involvement of a putative bipartite transit peptide in targeting rice pheophorbideaoxygenase into chloroplasts for chlorophyll degradation during leaf senescence. J Genet Genomics, 43: 145-154. (* These authors contributed equally) 14. Bai, J.*, Zhu, X.*, Wang, Q.*, Zhang, J., Chen, H., Dong, G., Zhu, L., Zheng, H., Xie, Q., Nian, J., Chen, F., Fu, Y., Qian, Q., Zuo, J. (2015). Rice TUTOU1 encodes a suppressor of cAMP receptor-like protein that is important for actin organization and panicle development. Plant Physiol, 169: 1179-1191. (* These authors contributed equally) 15. Jing, H.*, Yang, X.*, Zhang, J., Liu, X., Zheng, H., Dong, G., Nian, J., Feng, F., Xia, B., Qian, Q., Li, J., and Zuo, J. (2015). Peptidyl-prolyl isomerization targets rice Aux/IAAs for degradation during auxin signaling. Nat Commun, 6: 7395. (* These authors contributed equally) 16. Yang, H.*, Mu, J.*, Chen, L., Feng, J. Hu, J., Li, L.,Zhou, J.-M., and Zuo, J (2015). S-nitrosylation positively regulates ascorbate peroxidase activity during plant stress responses. Plant Physiol, 167: 1604-1615. (* These authors contributed equally) 17. Hu, J., Huang, X., Chen, L., Sun, X., Lu, C., Zhang, L., Wang, Y., and Zuo, J. (2015). Site-specific nitrosoproteomic identification of endogenouslyS-nitrosylated proteins in Arabidopsis. Plant Physiol, 167: 1731-1746. 19. Guan, C., Wang, X., Feng, J., Hong, S., Liang, Y., Ren, B., and Zuo, J. (2014). Cytokinin antagonizes abscisic acid-mediated inhibition of cotyledon greening by promoting the degradation of ABI5 protein inArabidopsis. Plant Physiol, 164: 1515-1526. 21. Ren, B.*, Chen, Q.*, Hong, S., Zhao, W., Feng, J., Feng, H., and Zuo, J. (2013). TheArabidopsiseukaryotic translation initiation factor eIF5A-2 regulates root protoxylem development by modulating cytokinin signaling. Plant Cell. 25: 3841-3857. (* These authors contributed equally) 23. Zheng, H., Li, S., Ren, B., Zhang, J., Ichii, M., Taketa, S., Tao, Y., Zuo, J., and Wang, H. (2013). LATERAL ROOTLESS2, a cyclophilin protein, regulates lateral root initiation and auxin signaling pathway in rice. Mol Plant. 6: 1719-1721. 24. Li, J.*, Mu, J.*, Bai, J.*, Fu, F., Zou, T., An, F., Zhang, J., Jing, H., Wang, Q., Li, Z., Yang, S., and Zuo, J. (2013). PARAQUAT RESISTANT 1, a Golgi-localized putative transporter protein, is involved in intracellular transport of paraquat. Plant Physiol. 162: 470-483. (* These authors contributed equally) 25. Feng, J., Wang, C., Chen, Q., Chen, H., Ren, B., Li, X., and Zuo, J. (2013).S-nitrosylation of phosphotransfer proteins represses cytokinin signaling. NatCommun. 4: 1529. 26. Mu, J., Tan, H., Hong, S., Liang, Y., and Zuo, J. (2013).Arabidopsistranscription factor genesNF-YA1,5,6and9play redundant roles in male gametogenesis, embryogenesis and seed development. Mol Plant. 6: 188-201. 27. Tan, H., Yang, X., Zhang, F., Zheng, X., Qu, C., Mu, J., Fu, F., Li, J., Guan, R., Zhang, H., Wang, G., and Zuo, J. (2011). Enhanced seed oil production in canola by conditional expression ofBrassica napus LEAFY COTYLEDON1andLEC1-LIKEin developing seeds. Plant Physiol. 156: 1577-1588. 28. Deng, Y.*, Dong, H.*, Mu, J., Ren, B., Zheng, B., Ji, Z., Yang, W.-C., Liang, Y., Zuo, J. (2010).Arabidopsishistidine kinase CKI1 acts upstream of HISTIDINE PHOSPHOTRANSFER PROTEINS to regulate female gametophyte development and vegetative growth. Plant Cell. 22: 1232–1248. (* These authors contributed equally) 30. Chen, R., Sun, S., Wang, C., Li, Y., Liang, Y., An, F., Li, C., Dong, H., Yang, X., Zhang, J., and Zuo, J. (2009). TheArabidopsis PARAQUAT RESISTANT2gene encodes anS-nitrosoglutathione reductase that is a key regulator of cell death. CellRes. 19: 1377-1387. 31. Ren, B., Liang, Y., Deng, Y., Chen, Q., Zhang, J., Yang, X., and Zuo, J. (2009). Genome-wide comparative analysis of type-AArabidopsisresponse regulator genes by overexpression studies reveals their diverse roles and regulatory mechanisms in cytokinin signaling. Cell Res. 19: 1178-1190. 32. Wang, X.*, Niu, Q-W.*, Teng, C., Li, C., Mu, J., Chua, N.-H., and Zuo, J. (2009). Overexpression ofPGA37/MYB118andMYB115promotes vegetative-to-embryonic transition inArabidopsis. Cell Res. 19: 224-235. (* These authors contributed equally) 33. Teng, C.*, Dong, H.*, Shi, L.*, Deng, Y., Mu, J., Zhang, J., Yang, X., and Zuo, J. (2008). Serine palmitoyltransferase, a key enzyme forde novosynthesis of sphingolipids, is essential for male gametophyte development in Arabidopsis. PlantPhysiol. 146: 1322-1332. (* These authors contributed equally) 34. Mu, J., Tan, H., Zheng, Q., Fu, F., Liang, Y., Zhang, J., Yang, X., Wang, T., Chong, K., Wang, X., and Zuo, J. (2008). LEAFY COTYLEDON1 is a key regulator of fatty acid biosynthesis inArabidopsis thaliana. PlantPhysiol. 148: 1042-1054. 35. Shi, L.*, Bielawski, J.*, Mu, J.* , Dong, H., Teng, C., Zhang, J., Yang, X., Tomishige, N., Hanada, K., Hannun, Y.A., and Zuo, J. et al. (2007). Involvement of sphingoid bases in mediating reactive oxygen intermediate production and programmed cell death inArabidopsis. Cell Res. 17: 1030-1040. (* These authors contributed equally) 36. Feng, H., Chen, Q., Feng, J., Zhang, J, Yang, X., and Zuo, J (2007). Functional characterization of theArabidopsiseukaryotic translation initiation factor 5A-2 (eIF-5A-2) that plays a crucial role in plant growth and development by regulating cell division, cell growth and cell death. Plant Physiol. 144: 1531-1545. 37. Dong, H.*, Deng, Y.*, Mu, J., Lu, Q., Wang, Y., Xu, Y., Chu, C., Chong, K., Lu, C., and Zuo, J. (2007). TheArabidopsisSpontaneous Cell Death1gene, encoding a z-carotene desaturase essential for carotenoid biosynthesis, is involved in chloroplast development, photoprotection and retrograde signaling. Cell Res. 17: 458-470. (* These authors contributed equally) 38. Zheng, B.*, Deng, Y.*, Mu, J., Ji, Z., Xiang, T., Niu, Q.-W., Chua, N.-H., Zuo, J. (2006). Cytokinin affects circadian-clock oscillation in a phytochrome B- andArabidopsis Response Regulator4-dependent manner. Physiol Plant. 127: 277–292. (* These authors contributed equally) 39. Sun, J., Hirose, N., Wang, X., Wen, P., Xue, L., Sakakibara, H., and Zuo, J. (2005). TheArabidopsis SOI33/AtENT8gene encodes a putative equilibrative nucleoside transporter that is involved in cytokinin transportin planta. J Integrat Plant Biol. 47: 588-603. 40. Sun, J.*, Niu, Q.-W.*, Tarkowski, P., Zheng, B., Tarkowska, D., Sandberg, G., Chua, N.-H., and Zuo, J. (2003). TheArabidopsisAtIPT8/PGA22gene encodes an isopentenyl transferase that is involved indenovocytokinin biosynthesis. PlantPhysiol. 131:167-176. (* These authors contributed equally) 42. Zuo, J., Hare, P.D., and Chua, N.H. (2006). Applications of chemical-inducible expression systems in functional genomics and biotechnology.In“Methods in Molecular Biology-ArabidopsisProtocols”, eds. Salinas, J., and Sanchez-Serrano, J.J., pp 329-342. Humana Press, NJ. |