Jun Xiao
Research Area :
I got my Bachelor degree from Shanghai Jiao Tong University in 2006, then graduated from Institute of Botany, Chinese Academy of Sciences, with PhD degree in developmental biology in 2012. I went to University of Pennsylvania in 2013 as a postdoctoral researcher. Recently, I joined the Department of Molecular Agrobiology, Institute of Genetics and Developmental Biology, CAS in June, 2018. My research is mainly about epigenetic regulation of plant development and response to environmental cues. I have published 8 (Co)first author papers in high impact journals, including Nature Genetics, Nature Communications, eLife, Genome Biology, Current Opinion in Plant Biology.
Research Interests:
The research in my lab focus on epigenetic regulation of floral transition, flower development, food production, and adaptation to changeable environments (such as light condition and ambient temperature) in bread wheat and model plant Arabidopsis. Our research will combine epigenome, transcriptome, forward (mutant screening) and reverse genetics to understand how developmental or environmental cue-triggered reprogramming of cell identity or function in multicellular eukaryotes is mediated by chromatin regulatory complexes. With that, NGS, genetics, biochemistry, molecular and cellular biology assays would be conducted. Selected Publication:
1.Xiao J, Jin R, Yu X, Shen M, Wagner J, Pai A, Song C, Zhuang M, Kelasfeld S, He CS, Santos AM, Helliwell C, Pruneda-Paz J, Kay S, Lin XW, Cui SJ, Fernandez M, Clarenz O, Goodrich J, Zhang XY, Austin R, Bonasio R, Wagner D. (2017) Cis- and trans-determinants of Polycomb Repressive Complex 2 recruitment in Arabidopsis. Nature Genetics, doi:10.1038/ng.3937 (Nature Genetic news and views highlight, F1000 Prime)
2. Xiao J, Xu S*, Li C*, Xu Y, Xing L, Niu Y, Huan Q, Tang Y, Zhao C, Wagner D, Gao C, Chong K. (2014) O-GlcNAc-mediated interaction between VER2 and TaGRP2 elicits TaVRN1 mRNA accumulation during vernalization in winter wheat. Nature Communications 5:4572. ( F1000 Prime)
3.Wu MF*, Yamaguchi N*, Xiao J*, Bargmann B, Estelle M, Sang Y, Wagner D. (2015) An auxin-regulated chromatin state switch directs organogenesis in Arabidopsis. eLife 4:e09269. (Co-first author, F1000 Prime)
4.Xiao J*, Jin R*, Wagner D. (2017) Developmental transitions: integrating environmental cues with hormonal signaling in the chromatin landscape. Genome Biology, 18 (1):88.
6.Xiao J*, Li CH*, Xu SJ, Xing LJ, Xu YY, Chong K. (2015) AtJAC1 Regulates Nuclear Accumulation of GRP7, influencing RNA processing of FLC antisense transcripts and flowering time in Arabidopsis. Plant Physiol 169 (3):2102-2117.
7.Xiao J, Lee US, Wagner D. (2016) Tug of war: adding and removing histone lysine methylation in Arabidopsis. Curr Opin Plant Biol 4:41-53.
8.Xiao J, Zhang H, Xing LJ, Xu SJ, Liu HH, Chong K, Xu YY. (2013) Requirement of histone acetyltransferases HAM1/2 for epigenetic modification of FLC to regulate flowering in Arabidopsis. J Plant Physiol 170(4):444-451.
9. Ma Y, Dai X, Xu Y, Luo W, Zheng X, Zeng D, Pan Y, Lin X, Liu H, Zhang D, Xiao J, Guo X, Xu S, Niu Y, Jin J, Zhang H, Xu X, Li L, Wang W, Qian Q, Ge S, Chong K. (2015) COLD1 Confers Chilling Tolerance in Rice. Cell 160(6):1209-1221. ( F1000 Prime, Cover story)
10.Bossi F, Fan J, Xiao J, Chandra L, Shen M, Wagner D, Rhee SY. (2017) Systematic discovery of novel eukaryotic transcriptional regulators using non-sequence homology based prediction. BMC Genomics, 18:480 DOI: 10.1186/s12864-017-3853-9
11.Liu YJ, Xu YY, Xiao J, Ma QB, Li D, Xue Z, Chong K. (2011) OsDOG, a gibberellin-induced A20/AN1 zinc-finger protein, negatively regulates gibberellin-mediated cell elongation in rice. J Plant Physiol 168(10):1098-1105.
12.Li J, Jiang JF, Qian Q, Xu YY, Zhang C, Xiao J, Du C, Luo W, Zou GX, Chen ML, Huang YQ, Feng YQ, Cheng ZK, Yuan M, Chong K. (2011) Mutation of Rice BC12/GDD1, Which Encodes a Kinesin-Like Protein That Binds to a GA Biosynthesis Gene Promoter, Leads to Dwarfism with Impaired Cell Elongation. Plant Cell 23(2):628-640.
13.Ma QB, Dai XY, Xu YY, Guo J, Liu YJ, Chen N, Xiao J, Zhang DJ, Xu ZH, Zhang XS* and Chong K*. (2009) Enhanced tolerance to chilling stress in OsMYB3R-2 transgenic rice is mediated by alteration in cell cycle and ectopic expression of stress genes. Plant Physiol 150: 244-256. |