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Bo Ren

B.S. in Biology, School of Life Sciences, Shaanxi Normal University, Shaanxi, China
M.S. in Botany, Institute of Botany, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China
Ph.D. in Genetics, Institute of Genetics and Developmental Biology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China
Employment History
Research Associate at Institute of Genetics and Developmental Biology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China
Postdoctoral Research Assistant at Department of Agronomy, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN, USA
Principle Investigator at Institute of Genetics and Developmental Biology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China

Research Direction
Nitrogen is one of essential nutrient elements for plant development and crop yields. In agricultural system, the main nitrogen source is chemical fertilizers, which increase both economic and environmental costs. Therefore, it is very important to develop and utilize biological nitrogen fixation (BNF) for sustainable agriculture. Our lab focuses on dissecting the mechanism of soybean nodulation by combining molecular genetics, cell biology, biochemistry and bioinformatics. Meanwhile, soybean is one of the lowest nitrogen use efficiency (NUE) crops under both low and high nitrogen conditions, despite its fixation nitrogen by nodules. We also aim to pinpoint the genetic basis of soybean NUE by multiple ways to improve soybean yield and agricultural environment.

1. Chancelor B. Clark, Weidong Wang, Ying Wang, Gabriel J. Fear, Zixiang Wen, Dechun Wang, Bo Ren*, Jianxin Ma*. (2021). Identification and molecular mapping of a major quantitative trait locus underlying branch angle in soybean. Theoretical and Applied Genetics. Doi:  10.1007/s00122-021-03995-9.
2. Min Zhang, Shulin Liu, Zhao Wang, Yaqin Yuan, Zhifang Zhang, Qianjin Liang, Xia Yang, Zongbiao Duan, Yucheng Liu, Fanjiang Kong, Baohui Liu, Bo Ren and Zhixi Tian*. (2021). Progress in soybean functional genomics over the past decade. Plant Biotechnology Journal. Doi: 10.1111/pbi.13682.
3. Bo Ren#, Xutong Wang#, Jingbo Duan, Jianxin Ma*. (2019). Rhizobial tRNA-derived small RNAs are signal molecules regulating plant nodulation. Science. 365: 919-922
4. Wenming Zhao, Chunmei Guan, Jian Feng, Yan Liang, Ni Zhan, Jianru Zuo, Bo Ren*. (2016). The Arabidopsis CROWDED NUCLEI genes regulate seed germination by modulating degradation of ABI5 protein. Journal of Integrative Plant Biology. 58: 669-678.
5. Bo Ren#, Qingguo Chen#, Sulei Hong, Wenming Zhao, Jian Feng, Haizhong Feng, Jianru Zuo*. (2013). The Arabidopsis eukaryotic translation initiation factor eIF5A-2 regulates root protoxylem development by modulating cytokinin signaling. The Plant Cell. 10: 3841-3857.
6. Bo Ren, Xingchun Wang, Jian Feng, Shuhua Yang and Jianru Zuo. (2012). Cytokinin in Plant Hormones: Function and Molecular Mechanism. ed. Zhihong Xu and Hongwei Xue, pp. 40-64, Shanghai, Science and Technology Press.
7. Bo Ren, Yan Liang, Yan Deng, Qingguo Chen, Jian Zhang, Xiaohui Yang, Jianru Zuo*. (2009). Genome-wide comparative analysis of type-A Arabidopsis response regulator genes by overexpression studies reveals their diverse roles and regulatory mechanisms in cytokinin signaling. Cell Research. 19: 1178-1190.