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Wenxiang Meng

Hu, W., Zhang, R., Xu, H., Li, Y., Yang, X., Zhou, Z., Huang, X., Wang, Y., Ji, W., Gao, F., Meng, W. (2023). CAMSAP1 role in orchestrating structure and dynamics of manchette microtubule minus-ends impacts male fertility during spermiogenesis. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 120, e2313787120
Zhang, R., Gu, L., Chen, W., Tanaka, N., Zhou, Z., Xu, H., Xu, T., Ji, W., Liang, X., Meng, W. (2023). CAMSAP2 and CAMSAP3 localize at microtubule intersections to regulate the spatial distribution of microtubules. J Mol Cell Biol.
Fan, Z., Wang, S., Xu, C., Yang, J., Huang, X., Xu, H., Wang, Y., Meng, W., Cui, B. (2023). Fu Fang Gang Liu aqueous extract inhibits the proliferation of HeLa cells by causing deoxyribonucleic acid damage. J Ethnopharmacol 304, 116083
Wu, W., Luo, S., Fan, C., Yang, T., Zhang, S., Meng, W., Xu, T., Ji, W., Gu, L. (2023). Tetra-color superresolution microscopy based on excitation spectral demixing. Light Sci Appl 12, 9
Yuan, J., Ma, L., Wang, Y., Xu, X., Zhang, R., Wang, C., Meng, W., Tian, Z., Zhou, Y., Wang, G. (2023). A recently evolved BAHD acetyltransferase, responsible for bitter soyasaponin A production, is indispensable for soybean seed germination. J Integr Plant Biol 65, 2490-2504
Jiang, D., Chen, F. X., Zhou, H., Lu, Y. Y., Tan, H., Yu, S. J., Yuan, J., Liu, H., Meng, W., Jin, Z. B. (2020). Bioenergetic Crosstalk between Mesenchymal Stem Cells and various Ocular Cells through the intercellular trafficking of Mitochondria. Theranostics 10, 7260-7272
Zhou, Z., Xu, H., Li, Y., Yang, M., Zhang, R., Shiraishi, A., Kiyonari, H., Liang, X., Huang, X., Wang, Y., Xie, Q., Liu, S., Chen, R., Bao, L., Guo, W., Wang, Y., Meng, W. (2020). CAMSAP1 breaks the homeostatic microtubule network to instruct neuronal polarity. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 117, 22193-22203
Chang, W. L., Liu, Y. W., Dang, Y. L., Jiang, X. X., Xu, H., Huang, X., Wang, Y. L., Wang, H., Zhu, C., Xue, L. Q., Lin, H. Y., Meng, W., Wang, H. (2018). PLAC8, a new marker for human interstitial extravillous trophoblast cells, promotes their invasion and migration. Development 145, 1-11
Pongrakhananon, V., Saito, H., Hiver, S., Abe, T., Shioi, G., Meng, W., Takeichi, M. (2018). CAMSAP3 maintains neuronal polarity through regulation of microtubule stability. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 115, 9750-9755
Dong, C., Xu, H., Zhang, R., Tanaka, N., Takeichi, M., Meng, W. (2017). CAMSAP3 accumulates in the pericentrosomal area and accompanies microtubule release from the centrosome via katanin. J Cell Sci 130, 1709-1715
Shioi, G., Hoshino, H., Abe, T., Kiyonari, H., Nakao, K., Meng, W., Furuta, Y., Fujimori, T., Aizawa, S. (2017). Apical constriction in distal visceral endoderm cells initiates global, collective cell rearrangement in embryonic visceral endoderm to form anterior visceral endoderm. Dev Biol 429, 20-30
Wang, J., Xu, H., Jiang, Y., Takahashi, M., Takeichi, M., Meng, W. (2017). CAMSAP3-dependent microtubule dynamics regulates Golgi assembly in epithelial cells. J Genet Genomics 44, 39-49
Wei, J., Xu, H., Meng, W. (2017). Noncentrosomal microtubules regulate autophagosome transport through CAMSAP2-EB1 cross-talk. FEBS Lett 591, 2379-2393
Ning, W., Yu, Y., Xu, H., Liu, X., Wang, D., Wang, J., Wang, Y., Meng, W. (2016). The CAMSAP3-ACF7 Complex Couples Noncentrosomal Microtubules with Actin Filaments to Coordinate Their Dynamics. Dev Cell 39, 61-74
Toya, M., Kobayashi, S., Kawasaki, M., Shioi, G., Kaneko, M., Ishiuchi, T., Misaki, K., Meng, W., Takeichi, M. (2016). CAMSAP3 orients the apical-to-basal polarity of microtubule arrays in epithelial cells. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 113, 332-337
Popov, L. M., Marceau, C. D., Starkl, P. M., Lumb, J. H., Shah, J., Guerrera, D., Cooper, R. L., Merakou, C., Bouley, D. M., Meng, W., Kiyonari, H., Takeichi, M., Galli, S. J., Bagnoli, F., Citi, S., Carette, J. E., Amieva, M. R. (2015). The adherens junctions control susceptibility to Staphylococcus aureus alpha-toxin. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 112, 14337-14342
Sako-Kubota, K., Tanaka, N., Nagae, S., Meng, W., Takeichi, M. (2014). Minus end-directed motor KIFC3 suppresses E-cadherin degradation by recruiting USP47 to adherens junctions. Mol Biol Cell 25, 3851-3860
Nagae, S., Meng, W., Takeichi, M. (2013). Non-centrosomal microtubules regulate F-actin organization through the suppression of GEF-H1 activity. Genes Cells 18, 387-396
Tanaka, N., Meng, W., Nagae, S., Takeichi, M. (2012). Nezha/CAMSAP3 and CAMSAP2 cooperate in epithelial-specific organization of noncentrosomal microtubules. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 109, 20029-20034
Nagae, S., Meng, W. X., Takeichi, M. (2010). Nezha, a microtubule minus end-anchoring protein, regulates axon morphogenesis. Neurosci Res 68, E140-E140
Meng, W., Takeichi, M. (2009). Adherens junction: molecular architecture and regulation. Cold Spring Harb Perspect Biol 1, a002899
Meng, W (2009). Adherens Junction.(Short Review). PROTEIN, NUCLEIC ACID AND ENZYME 54,11(759), 5
Meng, W., Mushika, Y., Ichii, T., Takeichi, M. (2008). Anchorage of microtubule minus ends to adherens junctions regulates epithelial cell-cell contacts. Cell 135, 948-959
Meng, W. X., Numazaki, M., Takeuchi, K., Uchibori, Y., Ando-Akatsuka, Y., Tominaga, M., Tominaga, T. (2004). DIP (mDia interacting protein) is a key molecule regulating Rho and Rac in a Src-dependent manner. EMBO J 23, 760-771
Ariga, K., Yonenobu, K., Nakase, T., Hosono, N., Okuda, S., Meng, W., Tamura, Y., Yoshikawa, H. (2003). Mechanical stress-induced apoptosis of endplate chondrocytes in organ-cultured mouse intervertebral discs: an ex vivo study. Spine (Phila Pa 1976) 28, 1528-1533
Nakase, T., Ariga, K., Meng, W., Iwasaki, M., Tomita, T., Myoui, A., Yonenobu, K., Yoshikawa, H. (2002). Distribution of genes for parathyroid hormone (PTH)-related peptide, Indian hedgehog, PTH receptor and patched in the process of experimental spondylosis in mice. J Neurosurg 97, 82-87
Tominaga, T., Meng, W., Togashi, K., Urano, H., Alberts, A. S., Tominaga, M. (2002). The Rho GTPase effector protein, mDia, inhibits the DNA binding ability of the transcription factor Pax6 and changes the pattern of neurite extension in cerebellar granule cells through its binding to Pax6. J Biol Chem 277, 47686-47691
Ariga, K., Miyamoto, S., Nakase, T., Okuda, S., Meng, W., Yonenobu, K., Yoshikawa, H. (2001). The relationship between apoptosis of endplate chondrocytes and aging and degeneration of the intervertebral disc. Spine 26, 2414-2420
Meng, W., Yonenobu, K., Ariga, K., Nakase, T., Okuda, S., Obata, K., Yoshikawa, H. (2001). Localization of cathepsins G and L in spontaneous resorption of intervertebral discs in a rat experimental model. J Musculoskelet Neuronal Interact 2, 171-176