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Zhiyong Liu

University Education
1996.9 – 1999.7       Ph. D, China Agricultural University, Beijing, China
1993.9 – 1996.7       MS, China Agricultural University, Beijing, China
1980.9 – 1984.7       BS, Hebei Agricultural University, Changli, Hebei, China
Professional experience
2016.01-present      PI, Institute of Genetics and Developmental Biology,Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China
2004.07 – 2015.12  Professor, Plant Genetics & Breeding, China Agricultural University, Beijing, China
2001.03 – 2004.06  Research Associate, Hawaii Agriculture Research Center, USA,
1999.10 – 2001.01  Research Associate, Institute of Plant Science, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich, Switzerland
1993.05 – 1993.09  Lecturer, Plant Genetics & Breeding, Hebei Agrotechnical Teacher's College, Hebei, China
1984.07 – 1993.04  Teaching Assistant, Plant Genetics & Breeding, Hebei Agrotechnical Teacher's College, Hebei, China

Research interests:
My lab is doing wheat geneomics, genetics and breeding researches focused on identification, mapping and map-based cloning of important genes for disease resistance (powdery mildew, stripe rust, leaf rust, spot blotch, etc.) and agronomic traits (yield, plant architecture, etc.). We are trying to use the genes identified for developing wheat breeder friendly germplasms and wide adapted high-yielding new cultivars. We are also working on Brachypodium for host-microbe interaction research and comparative genomics analysis.
Research summary:
1.Wheat is one of the most important staple food crops. Many kinds of foliar disease such as powdery mildew (caused by Blumeria graminis f. sp. tritici), stripe rust (caused by Puccinia striiformis Westend. f. sp. tritici), leaf rust (caused by Puccinia triticina), spot blotch (caused by Bipolaris sorokiniana), etc. are major threats for wheat production and food security. In addition to fungicides and biological control, breeding and using resistant cultivars is urgently needed to reduce the prevalence of these diseases. Our lab is focused on genetics analysis, molecular mapping, and map-based cloning of wheat genes conferring resistance to powdery mildew, stripe rust, leaf rust, spot blotch and other diseases from wheat cultivars, landraces, and wild relatives (such as Triticum dicoccoides, the tetraploid progenitor of cultivated wheat). We are performing comparative genomics analysis to develop high-density genetic linkage maps of the target genes and isolating the candidate disease resistance genes from wheat genome using forward genetics approach. In combining traditional bulked segregant analysis (BSA) and next generation sequencing technique (RNA-seq), we developed high efficient BSR-Seq pipeline for gene mapping in wheat and used in fine mapping and map-based cloning our target genes. Allelic variations of the isolated disease resistance genes were characterized and used for evolution analysis and functional marker development in wheat breeding program. Meanwhile, our works provide useful information for further dissecting host-pathogen interaction in wheat.
2.Yield components and plant architecture are key factors for developing high-yielding new cultivars in wheat breeding program. However, many traits related to yields and plant architecture are controlled by quantitative trait loci (QTL). By applying Infinium iSelect SNP assay, we constructed a high-density genetic linkage map using recombinant inbred lines (RILs) developed between a Chinese cornerstone wheat breeding parental line Yanda1817 and a high-yielding line Beinong6 for mapping   grain shape, size, weight, flag leaf size, plant height, pre-harvesting sprouting resistance, salt tolerance and root traits. A number of QTL were mapped and selected for developing advanced backcrossing near isogenic lines in a final goal of gene isolation. The identified QTL and linked markers also provide useful information for marker assisted selection (MAS) in breeding program.
3.Our lab worked on developing breeder friendly new germplasm with advanced agronomic traits and yield performance by introgression of known disease resistance genes into elite commercial cultivars through advanced backcrossing and MAS. We are also developing new wheat lines with high yield potential and biotic and abiotic stress tolerance for commercial breeding program adaptable to major wheat growing area in the Yellow & Huai River Valley Facultative Winter Wheat Region combining MAS and traditional breeding approaches.
4.We are also working on host-viral interaction research using Brachypodium as a model system. We cloned a Barley Stripe Mosaic Virus (BSMV) resistance gene Bsr1 from Brachypodium distachyon accession Bd3-1 and characterized its function and allelic variations in B. distachyon, B. stacei and B. hybridum. In collaborations with Prof. Andrew Jackson from University of California Berkeley and Prof. Dawei Li from China Agricultural University, we are studying the molecular interaction between Bsr1 and TGB1, the avirulence gene of Bsr1 from BSMV.    
Lab Staff:
Lingli Dong
Ph. D. Associated Professor
Qiuhong Wu
Ph. D. Research Associate
Ping Lu
Ph. D. Associated Professor
Miaomiao Li
Ph. D. Postdoctoral researcher

Selected Publications:  
Publications in last 5-year (* Corresponding Author):
Xiaocui Yan#, Miaomiao Li#, Peipei Zhang#, Guihong Yin#, Huaizhi Zhang, Takele Weldu Gebrewahid, Jianping Zhang, Lingli Dong, Daqun Liu, Zhiyong Liu*, Zafeng Li* (2021) High-temperature wheat leaf rust resistance gene Lr13 exhibits pleiotropic effects on hybrid necrosis. Molecular Plant, 14:1029-1032
Qiuhong Wu#, Fei Zhao#, Yongxing Chen, Panpan Zhang, Huaizhi Zhang, Guanghao Guo, Jingzhong Xie, Lingli Dong, Ping Lu, Miaomiao Li, Shengwei Ma, Tzion Fahima, Eviatar Nevo, Hongjie Li, Yijing Zhang*, Zhiyong Liu* (2021) Bulked segregant CGT-Seq-facilitated map-based cloning of a powdery mildew resistance gene originating from wild emmer wheat (Triticum dicoccoides). Plant Biotechnology Journal, 19:1288-1290
Yahui Li, Ruiming Lin, Jinhuang, Xiaohan Shi, Dan Qiu, Peipei Wu, Gebremedhin Habteab Goitom, Siqi Wang, Hongjun Zhang, Li Yang, Hongwei Liu, Qiuhong Wu, Jingzhong Xie, Yang Zhou, Zhiyong Liu*, Hongjie Li* (2021) Mapping of stripe rust resistance gene Yr041133 by BSR-Seq analysis. The Crop Journal, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cj.2021.06.009
Junhua Peng*, Zhiyong Liu*, Xionglun Liu*, Jun Yan, Dongfa Sun, Eviatar Nevo (2021) Evolutionary agriculture domestication of wild emmer wheat. In Solomon P. Wasser and Milana Frenkel-Morgenstern edited: New Horizons in Evolution. Academic Press, Elsevier, pp193-255 DOI:10.1016/B978-0-323-90752-1.00007-9
Peipei Wu, Li Yang, Guanghao Guo, Jinghuang Hu, Dan Qiu, Yahui Li, Xiaohan Shi, Hongjun Zhang, Hongwei Liu, Juntao Zhao, Guozhong Sun, Yang Zhou, Zhiyong Liu*, Hongjie Li* (2021) Molecular mapping and identification of a candidate gene for new locus Hg2 conferring hairy glume in wheat. Plant Science, 307:110879
Miaomiao Li, Lingli Dong*, Beibei Li, Zhengzhong Wang, Jingzhong Xie, Dan Qiu, Yahui Li, Wenqi Shi, Lijun Yang, Qiuhong Wu, Yongxing Chen, Ping Lu, Guanghao Guo, Huaizhi Zhang, Panpan Zhang, Keyu Zhu, Yiwen Li, Yan Zhang, Rongge Wang, Chengguo Yuan, Wei Liu, Dazhao Yu, Ming-Cheng Luo, Tzion Fahima, Eviatar Nevo, Hongjie Li*, Zhiyong Liu* (2020) A CNL protein in wild emmer wheat confers powdery mildew resistance. New Phytologist, 228:1027-1037  
 Jingzhong Xie#, Guanghao Guo#, Yong Wang#, Tiezhu Hu#, Lili Wang, Jingting Li, Dan Qiu, Yahui Li, Qiuhong Wu, Ping Lu, Yongxing Chen, Lingli Dong, Miaomiao Li, Huaizhi Zhang, Panpan Zhang, Keyu Zhu, Beibei Li, Karin R. Deal, Naxin Huo, Yan Zhang, Ming-Cheng Luo, Sanzhen Liu, Yong Qiang Gu*, Hongjie Li*, Zhiyong Liu* (2020) A rare single nucleotide variant in Pm5e confers powdery mildew resistance in common wheat. New Phytologist, 228:1011-1026  
 Ping Lu, Li Guo, Zhenzhong Wang, Beibei Li1, Jing Li, Yahui Li, Dan Qiu, Wenqi Shi, Lijun Yang, Ning Wang, Guanghao Guo, Jingzhong Xie, Qiuhong Wu, Yongxing Chen, Miaomiao Li, Huaizhi Zhang, Lingli Dong, Panpan Zhang, Keyu Zhu, Dazhao Yu, Yan Zhang, Karin R. Deal, Naxin Huo, Cuimin Liu, Ming-Cheng Luo, Jan Dvorak, Yong Qiang Gu, Hongjie Li*, Zhiyong Liu* (2020) A rare gain of function in a wheat tandem kinase confers resistance to powdery mildew. Nature Communications, 11:680
 Panpan Zhang, Guanghao Guo, Qiuhong Wu, Yongxing Chen, Jingzhong Xie, Ping Lu, Beibei Li, Lingli Dong, Miaomiao Li, Rongge Wang, Chengguo Yuan, Huaizhi Zhang,  Keyu Zhu, Wenling Li, Zhiyong Liu* (2020) Identification and fine mapping of spot blotch (Bipolaris sorokiniana) resistance gene Sb4 in wheat. Theor Appl Genet, 133:2451–2459
 Qiuhong Wu, Yongxing Chen, Jingzhong Xie, Lingli Dong, Zhenzhong Wang, Ping Lu, Rongge Wang, Chengguo Yuan, Yan Zhang, Zhiyong Liu* (2021) A 36 Mb terminal deletion of chromosome 2BL is responsible for a wheat semi-dwarf mutation. The Crop Journal 9:873-881
 Jian Yang, Yanjie Zhou, Weiguo Hu, Yu’e Zhang, Yong Zhou, Yongxing Chen, Xicheng Wang, Hong Zhao, Tingjie Cao* and Zhiyong Liu* (2020) Unlocking the relationships among population structure, plant architecture, growing season, and environmental adaptation in Henan wheat cultivars. BMC Plant Biology 20:469 
Yahui Li, Xiaohan Shi, Jinghuang Hu, Peipei Wu, Dan Qiu, Yunfeng Qu, Jingzhong Xie, Qiuhong Wu, Hongjun Zhang, Li Yang, Hongwei Liu, Yang Zhou, Zhiyong Liu*, and Hongjie Li* (2020) Identification of a recessive gene PmQ conferring resistance to powdery mildew in wheat landrace Qingxinmai using BSR-Seq analysis. Plant Disease, 104:743–751
 Jian Yang, Yanjie Zhou, Yu’e Zhang, Weiguo Hu, Qiuhong Wu, Yongxing Chen, Xicheng Wang, Guanghao Guo, Zhiyong Liu*, Tingjie Cao* and Hong Zhao (2019) Cloning, characterization of TaGS3 and identification of allelic variation associated with kernel traits in wheat (Triticum aestivum L.). BMC Genetics, 20:98
Lei Cui, Dan Qiu, Lei Sun, Yu Sun, Yongkang Ren, Hongjun Zhang, Jingting Li, Jingwei Zou, Peipei Wu, Jinghuang Hu, Jingzhong Xie, Hongwei Liu, Li Yang, Yang Zhou, Yan Lv, Zhiyong  Liu*, T.D. Murray*, Hongjie Li* (2020) Resistance to Heterodera filipjevi and Havenae in winter wheat is conferred by different QTL. Phytopathology, 100:472-482
Yueqiang Zhang, Zhong Wang, Zheru Fan, Jianfeng Li, Xin Gao, Hongzhi Zhang, Qi Zhao, Zhaoying Wang, Zhiyong Liu* (2019) Phenotyping and evaluation of CIMMYT WPHYSGP nursery lines and local wheat varieties under two irrigation regimes. Breeding Science, 69:55-67
Jian Yang, Yanjie Zhou, Qiuhong Wu, Yongxing Chen, Panpan Zhang, Yu'e Zhang, Weiguo Hu, Xicheng Wang, Hong Zhao, Lingli Dong, Jun Han, Zhiyong Liu*, Tingjie Cao*. (2019) Molecular characterization of a novel TaGL3-5A allele and its association with grain length in wheat (Triticum aestivum L.). Theor Appl Genet, 132:1799-1814
Deyun Zhang, Keyun Zhu, Lingli Dong, Yong Liang, Genqiao Li, Tilin Fang, Guanghao Guo, Qiuhong Wu, Jingzhong Xie, Yongxing Chen, Ping Lu, Miaomiao Li, Huaizhi Zhang, Zhenzhong Wang, Yan Zhang, Qixin Sun, Zhiyong Liu* (2019) Wheat powdery mildew resistance gene Pm64 derived from wild emmer (Triticum turgdium var. dicoccoides) is tightly linked in repulsion with stripe rust resistance gene Yr5. The Crop Journal, 7:761-770
 Jinghuang Hu, Jingting Li*, PeipeiWu, Yahui Li, Dan Qiu, Yunfeng Qu, Jingzhong Xie, Hongjun Zhang, Li Yang, Tiantian Fu, Yawei Yu, Mengjuan Li, Hongwei Liu, Tongquan Zhu, Yang Zhou, Zhiyong Liu*, and Hongjie Li* (2019) Development of SNP, KASP, and SSR markers by BSR-Seq technology for saturation of genetic linkage map and efficient detection of wheat powdery mildew resistance gene Pm61. International Journal of Molecular Science, 20:750
Peipei Wu. Jinghuang Hu, Jingwei Zou, Dan Qiu, Yunfeng Qu, Yahui Li, Teng Li, Hongjun Zhang, Li Yang, Hongwei Liu, Yang Zhou, Zhongjun Zhang, Jingting Li*, Zhiyong Liu*, Hongjie Li* (2019) Fine mapping of the wheat powdery mildew resistance gene Pm52 using comparative genomics analysis and the Chinese Spring reference genomic sequence. Theor Appl Genet, 132:1451–1461
Huigai Sun, Jinghuang Hu, Wei Song, Dan Qiu, Lei Cui, Peipei Wu, Hongjun Zhang, Hongwei Liu, Li Yang, Yunfeng Qu, Yahui Li, Teng Li, Wei Cheng, Yang Zhou, Zhiyong Liu*, Jingting Li*, Hongjie Li* (2018) Pm61: a recessive gene for resistance to powdery mildew in wheat landrace Xuxusanyuehuang identified by comparative genomics analysis. Theoretical and Applied Genetics, 131:2085-2097
Miaomiao Li, Beibei Li, Guanghao Guo, Yongxing Chen, Jingzhong Xie, Ping Lu, Qiuhong Wu, Deyun Zhang, Huaizhi Zhang, Jian Yang, Panpan Zhang, Yan Zhang, Zhiyong Liu* (2018) Mapping a leaf senescence gene els1 by BSR-Seq in common wheat. The Crop Journal, 6:236-243
Yong Wang, Huaizhi Zhang, Jingzhong Xie, Bingmin Guo, Yongxing Chen, Huaiyu Zhang, Ping Lu, Qiuhong Wu, Miaomiao Li, Deyun Zhang, Guanghao Guo, Jian Yang, Panpan Zhang, Yan Zhang, Xicheng Wang, Hong Zhao, Tingjie Cao*, Zhiyong Liu* (2018) Mapping stripe rust resistance genes by BSR-Seq: YrMM58 and YrHY1 on chromosome 2AS in Chinese wheat lines Mengmai 58 and Huaiyang 1 are Yr17. The Crop Journal, 6:91-98
Zhenzhong Wang, Jingzhong Xie, Li Guo, Deyun Zhang, Genqiao Li, Tilin Fang, Yongxing Chen, Jun Li, Qiuhong Wu, Ping Lu, Miaomiao Li, Haibin Wu, Huaizhi Zhang, Yan Zhang, Wuyun Yang, Mingcheng Luo, Tzion Fahima, Zhiyong Liu* (2018) Molecular mapping of YrTZ2, a stripe rust resistance gene in wild emmer accession TZ-2 and its comparative analyses with Aegilops tauschii. Journal of Integrative Agriculture, 17:1267-1275
Yong Wang, Jingzhong Xie, Huaizhi Zhang, Bingmin Guo, Shunzong Ning, Yongxing Chen, Ping Lu, Qiuhong Wu, Miaomiao Li, Deyun Zhang, Guanghao Guo, Yan Zhang, Dengcai Liu, Shaokui Zou, Jianwei Tang, Hong Zhao, Xicheng Wang, Jun Li, Wuyun Yang, Tingjie Cao*, Guihong Yin*, Zhiyong Liu* (2017) Mapping stripe rust resistance gene YrZH22 in Chinese wheat cultivar Zhoumai 22 by bulked segregant RNA-Seq (BSR-Seq) and comparative genomics analyses. Theor Appl Genet, 130:2191-2201
Guoxin Wang, Ling Wang, Yu Cui, Meihua Yu, Chen Dang, Hao Wang, Xuejiao Jin, Lijie Yan, Qiuhong Wu, Dawei Li, Zhiyong Liu* (2017) RNA-seq analysis of Brachypodium distachyon responses to Barley stripe mosaic virus infection. The Crop Journal, 5:1-10 (Cover story) 
Jingzhong Xie, Lili Wang, Yong Wang, Huaizhi Zhang, Shenghui Zhou, Qiuhong Wu, Yongxing Chen, Zhenzhong Wang, Guoxin Wang, Deyun Zhang, Yan Zhang, Tiezhu Hu*, Zhiyong Liu* (2017) Fine mapping of powdery mildew resistance gene PmTm4 in wheat using comparative genomics. Journal of Integrative Agriculture, 16:540-550
Sheng-hui Zhou, Lin Fu, Qiu-hong Wu, Jiao-jiao Chen, Yong-xing Chen, Jing-zhong Xie, Zhen-zhong Wang, Guo-xin Wang, De-yun Zhang, Yong Liang, Yan Zhang, Ming-shan You, Rong-qi Liang, Jun Han, Zhiyong Liu* (2017) QTL mapping revealed TaVp-1A conferred pre-harvest sprouting resistance in wheat population Yanda 1817×Beinong 6. Journal of Integrative Agriculture, 16:435-444
Jingzhong Xie, Naxin Huo, Shenghui Zhou, Yi Wang, Guanghao Guo, Karin R. Deal, Shuhong Ouyang, Yong Liang, Zhenzhong Wang, Lichan Xiao, Tingting Zhu, Tiezhu Hu, Vijay Tiwari, Jianwei Zhang, Hongxia Li, Zhongfu Ni, Yingyin Yao, Huiru Peng, Shengli Zhang, Olin D. Anderson, Patrick E. McGuire, Jan Dvorak*, Ming-Cheng Luo*, Zhiyong Liu*, Yong Q. Gu*, Qixin Sun* (2017) Sequencing and comparative analysis of Aegilops tauschii chromosome arm 3DS revealed rapid evolution of Triticeae genomes. Journal of Genetics Genomics, 44:51-61