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Lei Wang

BS in Biology Sciences Department of Life Sciences, Hebei Science and Technology Normal University, Qinhuangdao, China
MS in Cell Biology, Hebei normal University, Shijiazhuang, China
Ph.D. in Genetics, Institute of Genetics and Developmental Biology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China.
Employment History
Postdoctoral Research Fellow in the lab of Prof. Guosheng Xiong at Agricultural Genome Institute at Shenzhen, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Science, Shenzhen, China.
Principle Investigator at Center for Agricultural Resources Research, Institute of Genetics and Developmental Biology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Shijiazhuang, China.

Drought is one of the most severe abiotic stress, and significantly reduces crop productivity. Phytohormones play the key role in regulating drought resistance of plant. Our lab aim to uncover the mechanism of how hormones regulate plant drought resistance in Arabidopsis and wheat, so that could facilitate the breeding of drought-resistant wheat varieties.

Wang, L#, Wang, B#*, Yu H, Guo H, Lin T, Kou L, Wang A, Shao N, Ma H, Xiong G, Li X, Yang J, Chu J, Li, J*. (2020) Transcriptional regulation of strigolactone signaling in Arabidopsis, Nature.
Wang, L#, Xu, Q #, Yu, H, Ma, H, Li, X, Yang, J, Chu, J, Xie, Q, Wang, Y, Smith, M, S, Li, J, Xiong, G*, and Wang, B*. (2020) Strigolactone and karrikin signaling pathways elicit ubiquitination and proteolysis of SMXL2 to regulate hypocotyl elongation in Arabidopsis, Plant Cell 32, 2251-2270.
Wang, L#, Wang, B#, Jiang, L, Liu, X, Li, X, Lu, Z., Meng, X, Wang, Y, Smith, S,M, and Li, J*. (2015). Strigolactone signaling in Arabidopsis regulates shoot development by targeting D53-Like SMXL repressor proteins for ubiquitination and degradation. Plant Cell 27, 3128-3142.
Wang, L#, Guo, Y#, Jia, L, Chu, H, Zhou, S, Chen, K, Wu, D, and Zhao, L*. (2014) Hydrogen peroxide acts upstream of nitric oxide in the heat shock pathway in Arabidopsis seedlings, Plant Physiol. 164, 2184-2196.
Yao, R#, Wang, L#, Li, Y#, Chen, L#, Li, S, Du, X, Wang, B, Yan, J, Li, J*, and Xie, D*. (2018) Rice DWARF14 acts as an unconventional hormone receptor for strigolactone. J.  Exp. Bot. 69, 2355-2365.
Jiang, L#, Liu, X#, Xiong, G#, Liu, H#, Chen, F, Wang, L, Meng, X, Liu, G, Yu, H, Yuan, Y, Yi, W, Zhao, L, Ma, H, He, Y, Wu, Z, Melcher, K, Qian, Q, Xu, H*, Wang,.Y*, Li, J*. (2013). DWARF 53 acts as a repressor of strigolactone signalling in rice. Nature 504, 401-405.
Yao, R#, Ming, Z#, Yan, L#, Li, S#, Wang, F, Ma, S, Yu, C, Yang, M, Chen, L, Li, Y, Yan, C, Miao, D, Sun, Z, Yan, J, Sun, Y, Wang, L, Chu, J, Fan, S, He, W, Deng, H, Nan, F, Li, J, Rao, Z*, Lou, Z*, Xie D*. (2016). DWARF14 is a non-canonical hormone receptor for strigolactone. Nature 536, 469-473.
Li, Z#, Liang, Y#, Yuan, Y, Wang, L, Meng, X, Xiong, G, Zhou, J, Cai, Y, Han, N, Hua, L, Liu, G, Li, J*, and Wang, Y*. (2019) OsBRXL4 regulates shoot gravitropism and rice tiller angle through affecting LAZY1 nuclear localization. Mol. Plant 12, 1143-1156.
Hu, Q#, He, Y#, Liu, S, Meng, X, Wang, L, Liu, G, Jing, Y, Chen, M, Song, X, Jiang, L, Yu, H, Wang, B*, Li, J*. (2017) DWARF14, a receptor covalently linked with the active form of strigolactones, undergoes strigolactone-dependent degradation in rice. Front. Plant Sci. 8, 1935.
Xuan, Y#, Zhou, S#, Wang, L, Cheng, Y, Zhao, L*. (2010) Nitric oxide functions as a signal and acts upstream of AtCaM3 in thermotolerance in Arabidopsis seedlings, Plant Physiol. 153, 1895-1906.