Major publications:
(1) Min L., Liu M., Wu L., Shen Y., 2022, Groundwater Storage Recovery Raises the Risk of Nitrate Pollution, Environmental Science & Technology, (56): 8-9
(2) Min L., Vasilevskiy, P. Y, Wang P., Pozdniakov S.P., Yu J., 2020, Numerical Approaches for Estimating Daily River Leakage from Arid Ephemeral Streams, Water, 12(2).
(3) Min L., Shen Y, Wang P., Wang S., Liu M., 2019, Groundwater recharge under irrigated agro-ecosystem in the North China Plain: from a critical zone perspective. Journal of Geographical Sciences, 29(6): 877-890
(4) Min L., Shen Y., Pei H., Wang P., 2018. Water movement and solute transport in deep vadose zone under four irrigated agricultural land-use types in the North China Plain, Journal of Hydrology, 559:510-522.
(5) Min L., Shen Y., Pei H., Jing B., 2017. Characterizing deep vadose zone water movement and solute transport under typical irrigated cropland in the North China Plain. Hydrological Processes, 31(7):1498-1509.
(6) Min L., Shen Y., Pei H., 2015. Estimating groundwater recharge using deep vadose zone data under typical irrigated cropland in the piedmont region of the North China Plain. Journal of Hydrology, 527: 305-315.
(7) Min L., Yu J., Liu C., Zhu J., Wang P., 2013. The spatial variability of streambed vertical hydraulic conductivity in an intermittent river, northwestern China. Environmental Earth Sciences, 69(3): 873-883
(8) Liu M., Min L., Wu Lin, Pei H., Shen Y., 2022, Evaluating nitrate transport and accumulation in the deep vadose zone of the intensive agricultural region, North China Plain, Science of the Total Environment, (825)
(9) Liu M., Min L., Shen Y., Wu L., 2020, Evaluating the Impact of Alternative Cropping Systems on Groundwater Consumption and Nitrate Leaching in the Piedmont Area of the North China Plain, Agronomy, 10(11).
(10) Pei H. , Min L., Qi Y., Liu X., Jia Y., Shen Y., Liu C., 2017. Impacts of varied irrigation on field water budgets and crop yields in the North China Plain: Rainfed vs. irrigated double cropping system, Agricultural Water Management, 190: 42-54.