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Molecular Energetics

John Speakman
Bachelor of Science with Honours in Biology and Psychology, University of Stirling, Scotland. 1980.
Doctor of Philosophy, University of Stirling, Stirling, Scotland. 1984.
Doctor of Science, University of Aberdeen, Aberdeen, Scotland.1996. DSc (Ab)
Doctor of Science, University of Stirling, Stirling, Scotland. 2009. DSc (St)
University of Aberdeen, Scotland, UK : research fellow (1985-1989), lecturer (1989-1993), senior lecturer (1993-1995), reader (1995-1997), Professor (1997-date).
Honorary clinical research professor NHS Grampian (2003 – date),
Seconded part time Head Division of Appetite and obesity, Rowett research Institute (2000-2005).
Director, Institute of Biological and Environmental Sciences [IBES] (2007 – 2011)
Institute of Genetics and Developmental Biology CAS(2011-date)
Awards and prizes
(1995) Zoological Society of London Awarded the Zoological Society scientific medal.
(1996) Royal Society of Edinburgh Caledonian Research Foundation Support Research Fellowship. (1999) Royal Society Leverhulme Senior Research Fellowship.
(2001) Laboratory News Industry Awards 2001 short-listed finalist in the category Best UK academic research group.
(2003) Royal Society of Edinburgh/Saltire Society Awarded the Scottish Science Medal.
(2004) Elected Fellow of the Royal Society of Edinburgh (FRSE)
(2005) Kwarazmi International festival Prizewinner. International Guest of Honour.
(2005) William Dick memorial lecture, Edinburgh Science festival.
(2007) Royal Society of Edinburgh/ Lloyds TSB Research Fellowship
(2008) Elected Fellow of the Academy of Medical Sciences (FMedSci)
(2009) Elected Fellow of the Royal Society of the Arts (FRSA)
(2010) Bing Zhi Forum Professor, Chinese Academy of Sciences IOZ, Beijing, China
(2011) Clive McCay endowment lecture, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY, USA 
(2011) Elected Fellow of Academia Europaea (The Academy of Europe)  
(2016) Award for International Scientific Cooperation of Chinese Academy of Sciences
Editorial boards 
Science: 2011-date
Journal of Comparative Physiology:         2004-
Journal of Genetics and Genomics: 2013-
IUBMB Life: 2013-
Biology Open:  2011-   Deputy Editor in chief
Mammal review: 2002–
Biology Letters: 2008-2013
Functional Ecology: 2004-2009
Aging Cell: 2004–2007  Section editor : integrative physiology
Advisory boards
Barshop Institute Scientific Advisory Board, San Antonio Texas (2005-2010),
Methusalah mouse prize scientific advisory board (2008-date),
Masterfoods global palatability platform advisory board (2001-2007),
National Institute of Ageing, USA, Data Safety and Monitoring Board (CALERIE project) (2002 – date),
American Society of Nutrition, Expert panel on Energy Expenditure (2011)

My research concerns the causes and consequences of variation in energy balance. In particular the implications of dysfunction in energy balance for body weight regulation (obesity). I am an internationally recognised expert in the study of energy demands using the doubly-labelled water method, which I first started to use over 25 years ago and for which I wrote the definitive guide in 1997. Historically my work has also focussed on variation in energy demands in free-living animals (see selected publications) and the implications of energy regulation for ageing. 
In Beijing my work will focus on two main areas.
1) Regulation of food intake and energy balance in the mouse. The mouse is an ideal model for the study of energy regulation. Modern technology allows us to follow in close detail minute by minute changes in energy demands, physical activity, body temperature and feeding behaviour of mice. While molecular biology techniques allow us to probe the changes in gene expression of critical areas of the brain that are involved in regulation of food intake. The availability of knock-out and transgenic mouse models allows experimental analysis of the effects of specific genes on feeding behaviour and energy balance. My work will include next generation sequencing technology of specific brain regions and peripheral tissues combined with metabolomics analysis to build an integrated physiological model for the regulation of energy balance in the mouse. I am particularly interested to interact with mathematical biologists to develop such a model.
An example of co-ordinated changes in gene expression relating to the fatty acid metabolism in brown adipose tissue revealed by RNA-seq performed by my group is shown in figure 1. Down-regulated genes are shown in green and up-regulated genes shown in red. In this experimental manipulation there is a broad-scale down-regulation in the entire pathway reflecting shutdown of the BAT. Discovering the metabolic factors that cause such co-ordinated changes is a key goal of this research program. 
Figure 1: Fatty acid metabolism pathway gene expression changes revealed by RNA-seq in brown adipose tissue. In this manipulation there was a broad reduction in gene expression reflecting a reduction in BAT function following the manipulation. Pathway analysis by Ingenuity Pathway analysis.
2) Factors influencing susceptibility and resistance to obesity in the Chinese urban population. Obesity is one of the greatest health threats in modern society. It is widely assumed that the major cause of obesity is a gene-environment interaction. Some individuals have a genetic propensity to put on weight which is expressed in the modern environment. Elevated levels of food consumption and decreased levels of energy expenditure are widely cited as the major factors in urban society that promote obesity risk. Yet the evidence for both of these ideas is at best weak. Studies of food intake suggest little change over time, but these studies are marred by the difficulty of accurately measuring food intake. In contrast for energy expenditure we have shown no evidence for a decrease in energy expenditure over the time course of the epidemic (Westerterp and Speakman 2008 International Journal of Obesity) (see figure 2). My work will address the factors that may predispose to obesity in the Chinese urban population including genetic and environmental influences.        

Figure 2: Energy expenditure on physical activity (PAL) in relation to date of measurement for a population in western Europe. There has been no decline in energy expenditure over the time course of the obesity epidemic (from Westerterp and Speakman, 2008)

Publications containing the IGDB affiliationsince coming to china (* Corresponding authors)
1. Wang, G.L. and Speakman J.R.* Analysis of Positive Selection at Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms Associated with Body Mass Index Dose Not Support the
 "Thrifty Gene" Hypothesis. Cell Metabolism, in press 2016 
2. Zhao, Z.-J.*, Li, L., Yang, D.-B., Chi, Q.-S., Hambly, C. and Speakman, J. R.* Limits to sustained energy intake XXV: milk energy output and thermogenesis in
 Swiss mice lactating at thermoneutrality. Scientific Reports, 6(31626). 2016
3. Vaanholt, L. M., Milne, A., Zheng, Y., Hambly, C., Mitchell, S. E., Valencak, T. G., Allison, D. B. and Speakman, J. R.* Oxidative costs of reproduction: 
Oxidative stress in mice fed standard and low antioxidant diets. Physiol Behav, 154(1-7). 2016
4.Speakman, J. R.*, Mitchell, S. E. and Mazidi, M. Calories or protein? The effect of dietary restriction on lifespan in rodents is explained by calories alone. 
Experimental Gerontology, 2016
5. Speakman, J. R.* and Heidari-Bakavoli, S. Type 2 diabetes, but not obesity, prevalence is positively associated with ambient temperature. Sci Rep, 6(30409). 2016
6. Sadowska, E. T., Krol, E., Chrzascik, K. M., Rudolf, A. M., Speakman, J. R. and Koteja, P. Limits to sustained energy intake. XXIII. Does heat dissipation capacity 
limit the energy budget of lactating bank voles? 
Journal of Experimental Biology, 219(6):805-815. 2016
7.Mitchell, S. E., Delville, C., Konstantopedos, P., Derous, D., Green, C. L., Wang, Y. C., Han, J. D. J., Promislow, D. E. L., Douglas, A., Chen, L. N., Lusseau, D. and
 Speakman, J. R.* The effects of graded levels of calorie restriction: V. Impact of short term calorie and protein restriction on physical activity in the C57BL/6 mouse. 
Oncotarget, 7(15):19147-19170. 2016
8. Lipina, C., Vaanholt, L. M., Davidova, A., Mitchell, S. E., Storey-Gordon, E., Hambly, C., Irving, A. J., Speakman, J. R. and Hundal, H. S. CB1 receptor blockade
 counters age-induced insulin resistance and metabolic dysfunction. Aging Cell, 15(2):325-335. 2016
9. Joly-Amado, A., Serraneau, K. S., Brownlow, M., Marín de Evsikova, C., Speakman, J. R., Gordon, M. N. and Morgan, D. Metabolic changes over the course of 
aging in a mouse model of tau deposition. Neurobiology of Aging, 44(62-73). 2016
10.Gamo, Y., Bernard, A., Troup, C., Munro, F., Derrer, K., Jeannesson, N., Campbell, A., Gray, H., Miller, J., Dixon, J., Mitchell, S. E., Hambly, C., Vaanholt, L. M. 
and Speakman, J. R.* Limits to sustained energy intake XXIV: impact of suckling behaviour on the body temperatures of lactating female mice. Scientific Reports, 
6(25665). 2016

11. Davina Derous, Sharon E. Mitchell, Cara L. Green, Luonan Chen, Jing-Dong J. Han, Yingchun Wang, Daniel E.L. Promislow, David Lusseau, John R. Speakman*
 and Douglas*, A. The effects of graded levels of calorie restriction: VI. Impact of short-term graded calorie restriction on transcriptomic responses of the hypothalamic
 hunger and circadian signaling pathways. Aging-US, 2016
12. Burke, L. K., Doslikova, B., D’Agostino, G., Greenwald-Yarnell, M., Georgescu, T., Chianese, R., de Morentin, P. B. M., Ogunnowo-Bada, E., Cansell, C., 
Valencia-Torres, L., Garfield, A. S., Apergis-Schoute, J., Lam, D. D., Speakman, J. R., Rubinstein, M., Low, M. J., Rochford, J. J., Myers, M. G., Evans, M. L.
 and Heisler, L. K. Sex difference in physical activity, energy expenditure and obesity driven by a subpopulation of hypothalamic POMC neurons.  Molecular 
Metabolism, 5(3):245-252. 2016

13. Welcker, J., Speakman, J. R., Elliott, K. H., Hatch, S. A., Kitaysky, A. S. and Wilson, R. Resting and daily energy expenditures during reproduction are adjusted
 in opposite directions in free-living birds. Functional Ecology, 29(2):250-258. 2015

14. Wang, G., Djafarian, K., Egedigwe, C. A., El Hamdouchi, A., Ojiambo, R., Ramuth, H., Wallner-Liebmann, S. J., Lackner, S., Diouf, A., Sauciuvenaite, J., Hambly, C.,
Vaanholt, L. M., Faries, M. D. and Speakman, J. R.* The relationship of female physical attractiveness to body fatness. PeerJ, 3(e1155. 2015

15. Vaanholt, L. M., Sinclair, R. E., Mitchell, S. E. and Speakman, J. R. Factors influencing individual variability in high fat diet-induced weight gain in out-bred MF1
mice. Physiol Behav, 144(146-155. 2015

16. Vaanholt, L. M., Mitchell, S. E., Sinclair, R. E. and Speakman, J. R. Mice that are resistant to diet-induced weight loss have greater food anticipatory activity and
altered melanocortin-3 receptor (MC3R) and dopamine receptor 2 (D2) gene expression. Horm Behav, 73(83-93. 2015

17. Speakman, J. R.*, Blount, J. D., Bronikowski, A. M., Buffenstein, R., Isaksson, C., Kirkwood, T. B. L., Monaghan, P., Ozanne, S. E., Beaulieu, M., Briga, M.,
Carr, S. K., Christensen, L. L., Cocheme, H. M., Cram, D. L., Dantzer, B., Harper, J. M., Jurk, D., King, A., Noguera, J. C., Salin, K., Sild, E., Simons, M. J. P., Smith, S.,
 Stier, A., Tobler, M., Vitikainen, E., Peaker, M. and Selman, C. Oxidative stress and life histories: unresolved issues and current needs. Ecology and Evolution,
5(24):S745-S757. 2015

18. Speakman, J. R.* The ‘Fat Mass and Obesity Related’ (FTO) gene: Mechanisms of Impact on Obesity and Energy Balance. Current Obesity Reports, 4(1):73-91. 2015

19. Saboori, S., Shab-Bidar, S., Speakman, J. R., Yousefi Rad, E. and Djafarian, K. Effect of vitamin E supplementation on serum C-reactive protein level: a meta-analysis
 of randomized controlled trials. Eur J Clin Nutr, 69(8):867-73. 2015

20. Richardson, A., Fischer, K. E., Speakman, J. R., de Cabo, R., Mitchell, S. J., Peterson, C. A., Rabinovitch, P., Chiao, Y. A., Taffet, G., Miller, R. A., Renteria, R. C.,
Bower, J., Ingram, D. K., Ladiges, W. C., Ikeno, Y., Sierra, F. and Austad, S. N. Measures of Healthspan as Indices of Aging in Mice-A Recommendation.
J Gerontol A Biol Sci Med Sci, 71(4):427-30. 2015

21. Nie, Y.#, Speakman, J. R.#, Wu, Q., Zhang, C., Hu, Y., Xia, M., Yan, L., Hambly, C., Wang, L., Wei, W., Zhang, J. and Wei, F. Exceptionally low daily energy
expenditure in the bamboo-eating giant panda. Science, 349(6244):171-174. 2015 (# joint first author)

22. Monarca, R. I., Mathias, M. L., Wang, D. H. and Speakman, J. R.* Predation risk modulates diet induced obesity in male C57BL/6 mice. Obesity, 23(10):2059-65. 2015

23. Monarca, R. I., Mathias Mda, L. and Speakman, J. R.* Behavioural and physiological responses of wood mice (Apodemus sylvaticus) to experimental manipulations
 of predation and starvation risk. Physiol Behav, 149(331-9. 2015

24. Mitchell, S. E., Tang, Z., Kerbois, C., Delville, C., Konstantopedos, P., Bruel, A., Derous, D., Green, C., Aspden, R. M., Goodyear, S. R., Chen, L., Han, J. J., Wang, Y.,
Promislow, D. E., Lusseau, D., Douglas, A. and Speakman, J. R.* The effects of graded levels of calorie restriction: I. impact of short term calorie and protein restriction on
body composition in the C57BL/6 mouse. Oncotarget, 6(18):15902-30. 2015

25. Mitchell, S. E., Delville, C., Konstantopedos, P., Hurst, J., Derous, D., Green, C., Chen, L., Han, J. J., Wang, Y., Promislow, D. E., Lusseau, D., Douglas, A. and
 Speakman, J. R.* The effects of graded levels of calorie restriction: II. Impact of short term calorie and protein restriction on circulating hormone levels, glucose homeostasis
and oxidative stress in male C57BL/6 mice. Oncotarget, 6(27):23213-37. 2015

26. Mitchell, S. E., Delville, C., Konstantopedos, P., Derous, D., Green, C. L., Chen, L., Han, J.-D. J., Wang, Y., Promislow, D. E. L., Douglas, A., Lusseau, D. and
Speakman, J. R.* The effects of graded levels of calorie restriction: III. Impact of short term calorie and protein restriction on mean daily body temperature and torpor use in
 the C57BL/6 mouse. Oncotarget, 6(21):18314-18337. 2015

27. Merkling, T., Welcker, J., Hewison, A. J. M., Hatch, S. A., Kitaysky, A. S., Speakman, J. R., Danchin, E. and Blanchard, P. Identifying the selective pressures underlying
offspring sex-ratio adjustments: a case study in a wild seabird. Behavioral Ecology, 26(3):916-925. 2015

28. McAllan, L., Speakman, J. R., Cryan, J. F. and Nilaweera, K. N. Whey protein isolate decreases murine stomach weight and intestinal length and alters the expression of Wnt
signalling-associated genes. Br J Nutr, 1-8. 2015

29. Lusseau, D., Mitchell, S. E., Barros, C., Derous, D., Green, C., Chen, L., Han, J. D., Wang, Y., Promislow, D. E., Douglas, A. and Speakman, J. R.* The effects of graded levels
 of calorie restriction: IV. Non-linear change in behavioural phenotype of mice in response to short-term calorie restriction. Sci Rep, 5(13198. 2015

30. Liu, X., Wang, S., You, Y., Meng, M., Zheng, Z., Dong, M., Lin, J., Zhao, Q., Zhang, C., Yuan, X., Hu, T., Liu, L., Huang, Y., Zhang, L., Wang, D., Zhan, J., Jong Lee, H.,
Speakman, J. R. and Jin, W. Brown Adipose Tissue Transplantation Reverses Obesity in Ob/Ob Mice. Endocrinology, 156(7):2461-9. 2015

31. Fletcher, Q. E., Speakman, J. R., Boutin, S., Lane, J. E., McAdam, A. G., Gorrell, J. C., Coltman, D. W., Humphries, M. M. and Grémillet, D. Daily energy expenditure during
lactation is strongly selected in a free-living mammal. Functional Ecology, 29(2):195-208. 2015

32. Berman, E. S., Melanson, E. L., Swibas, T., Snaith, S. P. and Speakman, J. R. Inter- and intraindividual correlations of background abundances of H, O and O in human urine and
implications for DLW measurements. Eur J Clin Nutr, 2015

33. Bagheri, M., Speakman, J. R., Shabbidar, S., Kazemi, F. and Djafarian, K. A dose-response meta-analysis of the impact of body mass index on stroke and all-cause mortality in
stroke patients: a paradox within a paradox. Obesity Reviews, 16(5):416-23. 2015

34. Bagheri, M., Ansari, S., Sotoudeh, G., Mahmoudi, M., Speakman, J. R. and Djafarian, K. Serum ghrelin levels and gender-related indices of body composition in prepubertal children:
a cross-sectional study. Eur J Nutr, 54(2):283-90. 2015

35. Araujo-Soares, V., Sniehotta, F. F., Laing, C. M., Gellert, P., Jackson, D. and Speakman, J. R. Social cognitions measured in 4 to 6 year olds are predictive of objectively measured
physical activity. Psychol Health, 30(10):1240-57. 2015

36. Zhang, Z., Hao, C. J., Li, C. G., Zang, D. J., Zhao, J., Li, X. N., Wei, A. H., Wei, Z. B., Yang, L., He, X., Zhen, X. C., Gao, X., Speakman, J. R. and Li, W.* Mutation of SLC35D3
causes metabolic syndrome by impairing dopamine signaling in striatal D1 neurons. PLoS Genet, 10(2):e1004124. 2014

37. Xu, Y. C., Yang, D. B., Speakman, J. R.* and Wang, D. H.* Oxidative stress in response to natural and experimentally elevated reproductive effort is tissue dependent. Functional Ecology,
28(2):402-410. 2014

38. Szafrańska, P. A., Zub, K., Wieczorek, M., Ksi??ek, A., Speakman, J. R. and Konarzewski, M. Shaving increases daily energy expenditures in free living root voles.
Journal of Experimental Biology, 217(Pt 22):3964-7. 2014

39. Speakman, J. R.* and Garratt, M. Oxidative stress as a cost of reproduction: Beyond the simplistic trade-off model. BioEssays, 36(1):93-106. 2014

40. Speakman, J. R.* If Body Fatness is Under Physiological Regulation, Then How Come We Have an Obesity Epidemic? Physiology, 29(2):88-98. 2014

41. Scantlebury, D. M., Mills, M. G. L., Wilson, R. P., Wilson, J. W., Mills, M. E. J., Durant, S. M., Bennett, N. C., Bradford, P., Marks, N. J. and Speakman, J. R. Flexible energetics of cheetah
 hunting strategies provide resistance against kleptoparasitism. Science, 346(6205):79-81. 2014

42. Piper, M. D. W., Selman, C., Speakman, J. R.* and Partridge, L. Using Doubly-Labeled Water to Measure Energy Expenditure in an Important Small Ectotherm Drosophila melanogaster.
Journal of Genetics and Genomics, 41(9):505-512. 2014

43. Pan, Q., Li, M., Shi, Y. L., Liu, H. W., Speakman, J. R. and Wang, D. H.* Lipidomics Reveals Mitochondrial Membrane Remodeling Associated with Acute Thermoregulation in a Rodent
with a Wide Thermoneutral Zone. Lipids, 49(7):715-730. 2014

44. Mustafa Nachvak, S., Reza Neyestani, T., Ali Mahboob, S., Sabour, S., Ali Keshawarz, S. and Speakman, J. R. [alpha]-Tocopherol supplementation reduces biomarkers of oxidative stress
 in children with Down syndrome: a randomized controlled trial. Eur J Clin Nutr, 68(10):1119-1123. 2014

45. Müller, M. J., Baracos, V., Bosy-Westphal, A., Dulloo, A. G., Eckel, J., Fearon, K. C. H., Hall, K. D., Pietrobelli, A., S?rensen, T. I. A., Speakman, J., Trayhurn, P., Visser, M. and Heymsfield,
 S. B. Functional body composition and related aspects in research on obesity and cachexia: report on the 12th Stock Conference held on 6 and 7 September 2013 in Hamburg, Germany. Obesity Reviews,
 15(8):640-656. 2014

46. Elliott, K. H., Le Vaillant, M., Kato, A., Gaston, A. J., Ropert-Coudert, Y., Hare, J. F., Speakman, J. R. and Croll, D. Age-related variation in energy expenditure in a long-lived bird within the
envelope of an energy ceiling. Journal of Animal Ecology, 83(1):136-146. 2014

47. Elliott, K., Chivers, L., Bessey, L., Gaston, A., Hatch, S., Kato, A., Osborne, O., Ropert-Coudert, Y., Speakman, J. and Hare, J. Windscapes shape seabird instantaneous energy costs but adult
behavior buffers impact on offspring. Movement Ecology, 2(1):17. 2014

48. Duarte, L. C. and Speakman, J. R. Low resting metabolic rate is associated with greater lifespan because of a confounding effect of body fatness. Age, 36(6):014-9731. 2014

49. Dhurandhar, N. V., Schoeller, D., Brown, A. W., Heymsfield, S. B., Thomas, D., Sorensen, T. I., Speakman, J. R., Jeansonne, M. and Allison, D. B. Energy balance measurement: when something is
not better than nothing. Int J Obes (Lond), 2014

50. Brinkmann, L., Gerken, M., Hambly, C., Speakman, J. R. and Riek, A. Saving energy during hard times: energetic adaptations of Shetland pony mares. J Exp Biol, 217(Pt 24):4320-7. 2014

51. Al Jothery, A. H., Krol, E., Hawkins, J., Chetoui, A., Saint-Lambert, A., Gamo, Y., Shaw, S. C., Valencak, T., Bunger, L., Hill, W. G., Vaanholt, L. M., Hambly, C. and Speakman, J. R.* Limits to
sustained energy intake. XXII. Reproductive performance of two selected mouse lines with different thermal conductance. Journal of Experimental Biology, 217(Pt 20):3718-32. 2014

52. Zhao, Z. J., Song, D. G., Su, Z. C., Wei, W. B., Liu, X. B. and Speakman, J. R. Limits to sustained energy intake. XVIII. Energy intake and reproductive output during lactation in Swiss mice raising
small litters. Journal of Experimental Biology, 216(12):2349-2358. 2013

53. Zhao, Z. J., Krol, E., Moille, S., Gamo, Y. and Speakman, J. R.* Limits to sustained energy intake. XV. Effects of wheel running on the energy budget during lactation. Journal of Experimental Biology,
216(12):2316-2327. 2013

54. Yang, D. B., Xu, Y. C., Wang, D. H. and Speakman, J. R.* Effects of reproduction on immuno-suppression and oxidative damage, and hence support or otherwise for their roles as mechanisms underpinning
 life history trade-offs, are tissue and assay dependent. Journal of Experimental Biology, 216(22):4242-4250. 2013

55. Yang, D. B., Li, L., Wang, L. P., Chi, Q. S., Hambly, C., Wang, D. H. and Speakman, J. R.* Limits to sustained energy intake. XIX. A test of the heat dissipation limitation hypothesis in Mongolian gerbils
(Meriones unguiculatus). Journal of Experimental Biology, 216(17):3358-3368. 2013
56. Wood, K. A., Stillman, R. A., Wheeler, D., Groves, S., Hambly, C., Speakman, J. R., Daunt, F. and O’Hare, M. T. Go with the flow: water velocity regulates herbivore foraging decisions in river catchments.
 Oikos, 122(12):1720-1729. 2013
57. Welcker, J., Chastel, O., Gabrielsen, G. W., Guillaumin, J., Kitaysky, A. S., Speakman, J. R., Tremblay, Y. and Bech, C. Thyroid Hormones Correlate with Basal Metabolic Rate but Not Field Metabolic Rate
 in a Wild Bird Species. PLoS One, 8(2):2013
58. Valencak, T. G., Wright, P., Weir, A., Mitchell, S. E., Vaanholt, L. M., Hambly, C., Krol, E. and Speakman, J. R.* Limits to sustained energy intake. XXI. Effect of exposing the mother, but not her pups, to
a cold environment during lactation in mice. Journal of Experimental Biology, 216(23):4326-4333. 2013
59. Vaanholt, L. M., Sinclair, R. E. and Speakman, J. R.* Limits to sustained energy intake. XIV. Heritability of reproductive performance in mice. Journal of Experimental Biology, 216(12):2308-2315. 2013
60. Speakman, J. R.* and Westerterp, K. R. A mathematical model of weight loss under total starvation: evidence against the thrifty-gene hypothesis. Disease Models & Mechanisms, 6(1):236-251. 2013
61. Speakman, J. R.* and Keijer, J. Not so hot: Optimal housing temperatures for mice to mimic the thermal environment of humans. Molecular Metabolism, 2(1):5-9. 2013
62. Speakman, J. R.*, Fletcher, Q. and Vaanholt, L. The ’39 steps’: an algorithm for performing statistical analysis of data on energy intake and expenditure. Disease Models & Mechanisms, 6(2):293-301. 2013

63. Speakman, J. R.* Sex- and age-related mortality profiles during famine: testing the ’body fat’ hypothesis. J Biosoc Sci, 45(6):823-40. 2013

64. Speakman, J. R.* Measuring energy metabolism in the mouse - theoretical, practical, and analytical considerations. Front Physiol, 4(34. 2013

65. Speakman, J. R.*Functional Analysis of Seven Genes Linked to Body Mass Index and Adiposity by Genome-Wide Association Studies: A Review. Hum Hered, 75(2-4):57-79. 2013

66. Speakman, J. R. *Evolutionary Perspectives on the Obesity Epidemic: Adaptive, Maladaptive, and Neutral Viewpoints. Annual Review of Nutrition, Vol 33, 33(289-317. 2013.

67. Skibiel, A. L., Speakman, J. R. and Hood, W. R. Testing the predictions of energy allocation decisions in the evolution of life-history trade-offs. Functional Ecology, 27(6):1382-1391. 2013.

68. Selman, C., McLaren, J. S., Collins, A. R., Duthie, G. G. and Speakman, J. R.* Deleterious consequences of antioxidant supplementation on lifespan in a wild-derived mammal. Biol Lett, 9(4):2013

69. Lutermann, H., Bennett, N. C., Speakman, J. R. and Scantlebury, M. Energetic Benefits of Sociality Offset the Costs of Parasitism in a Cooperative Mammal. PLoS One, 8(2):2013

70. Liu, X. M., Zheng, Z. J., Zhu, X. M., Meng, M. H., Li, L., Shen, Y. Y., Chi, Q. S., Wang, D. H., Zhang, Z. Y., Li, C. Z., Li, Y. M., Xue, Y. M., Speakman, J. R. and Jin, W. Z. Brown adipose tissue
 transplantation improves whole-body energy metabolism. Cell Research, 23(6):851-854. 2013

71. Huang, L. Q., Guo, X. G., Speakman, J. R. and Dong, W. G. Analysis of gamasid mites (Acari: Mesostigmata) associated with the Asian house rat, Rattus tanezumi (Rodentia: Muridae) in Yunnan Province,
Southwest China. Parasitology Research, 112(5):1967-1972. 2013

72. Guo, X. G., Speakman, J. R., Dong, W. G., Men, X. Y., Qian, T. J., Wu, D., Qin, F. and Song, W. Y. Ectoparasitic insects and mites on Yunnan red-backed voles (Eothenomys miletus) from a localized area in
 southwest China. Parasitology Research, 112(10):3543-3549. 2013

73. Gibson, A. R., Ojiambo, R., Konstabel, K., Lieberman, D. E., Reilly, J. J., Speakman, J. R. and Pitsiladis, Y. P. Aerobic Capacity, Activity Levels and Daily Energy Expenditure in Male and Female Adolescents
 of the Kenyan Nandi Sub-Group. PLoS One, 8(6):2013

74. Gamo, Y., Troup, C., Mitchell, S. E., Hambly, C., Vaanholt, L. M. and Speakman, J. R.* Limits to sustained energy intake. XX. Body temperatures and physical activity of female mice during lactation.
 Journal of Experimental Biology, 216(19):3751-3761. 2013

75. Gamo, Y., Bernard, A., Mitchell, S. E., Hambly, C., Al Jothery, A., Vaanholt, L. M., Krol, E. and Speakman, J. R.* Limits to sustained energy intake. XVI. Body temperature and physical activity of female
mice during pregnancy. Journal of Experimental Biology, 216(12):2328-2338. 2013

76. Fletcher, Q. E., Selman, C., Boutin, S., McAdam, A. G., Woods, S. B., Seo, A. Y., Leeuwenburgh, C., Speakman, J. R. and Humphries, M. M. Oxidative Damage Increases with Reproductive Energy Expenditure
 and Is Reduced by Food-Supplementation. Evolution, 67(5):1527-1536. 2013

77. Fletcher, Q., Landry-Cuerrier, M., Boutin, S., McAdam, A., Speakman, J. and Humphries, M. Reproductive timing and reliance on hoarded capital resources by lactating red squirrels. Oecologia,
 173(4):1203-1215. 2013

78. Elliott, K. H., Welcker, J., Gaston, A. J., Hatch, S. A., Palace, V., Hare, J. F., Speakman, J. R. and Anderson, W. G. Thyroid hormones correlate with resting metabolic rate, not daily energy expenditure, in two
 charadriiform seabirds. Biology Open, 2(6):580-586. 2013

79. Elliott, K. H., Ricklefs, R. E., Gaston, A. J., Hatch, S. A., Speakman, J. R. and Davoren, G. K. High flight costs, but low dive costs, in auks support the biomechanical hypothesis for flightlessness in penguins.
Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A, 110(23):9380-9384. 2013

80. Elliott, K. H., Le Vaillant, M., Kato, A., Speakman, J. R. and Ropert-Coudert, Y. Accelerometry predicts daily energy expenditure in a bird with high activity levels. Biol Lett, 9(1):2013

81. Duah, O. A., Monney, K. A., Hambly, C., Krol, E. and Speakman, J. R.* Limits to sustained energy intake. XVII. Lactation performance in MF1 mice is not programmed by fetal number during pregnancy.
 Journal of Experimental Biology, 216(12):2339-2348. 2013

82. Corlatti, L., Bassano, B., Valencak, T. G. and Lovari, S. Foraging strategies associated with alternative reproductive tactics in a large mammal. Journal of Zoology, 291(2):111-118. 2013

83. Careau, V., Réale, D., Garant, D., Pelletier, F., Speakman, J. R. and Humphries, M. M. Context-dependent correlation between resting metabolic rate and daily energy expenditure in wild chipmunks.
Journal of Experimental Biology, 216(3):418-426. 2013

84. Tschop, M. H.#, Speakman, J. R.#, Arch, J. R. S., Auwerx, J., Bruning, J. C., Chan, L., Eckel, R. H., Farese, R. V., Galgani, J. E., Hambly, C., Herman, M. A., Horvath, T. L., Kahn, B. B., Kozma, S. C.,
Maratos-Flier, E., Muller, T. D., Munzberg, H., Pfluger, P. T., Plum, L., Reitman, M. L., Rahmouni, K., Shulman, G. I., Thomas, G., Kahn, C. R. and Ravussin, E. A guide to analysis of mouse energy metabolism.
 Nature Methods, 9(1):57-63. 2012 (# joint first author)

85. Speakman, J. R.* and O’Rahilly, S. Fat: an evolving issue. Disease Models & Mechanisms, 5(5):569-573. 2012

86. Selman, C., Blount, J. D., Nussey, D. H. and Speakman, J. R. Oxidative damage, ageing, and life-history evolution: where now? Trends in Ecology & Evolution, 27(10):570-577. 2012

87. McNay, D. E. and Speakman, J. R.* High fat diet causes rebound weight gain. Mol Metab, 2(2):103-8. 2012

88. Heitmann, B. L., Westerterp, K. R., Loos, R. J., Sorensen, T. I., O’Dea, K., McLean, P., Jensen, T. K., Eisenmann, J., Speakman, J. R., Simpson, S. J., Reed, D. R. and Westerterp-Plantenga, M. S. Obesity:
 lessons from evolution and the environment. Obes Rev, 13(10):910-922. 2012

89. Berman, E. S. F., Fortson, S. L., Snaith, S. P., Gupta, M., Baer, D. S., Chery, I., Blanc, S., Melanson, E. L., Thomson, P. J. and Speakman, J. R. Direct Analysis of δ2H and δ18O in Natural and Enriched
 Human Urine Using Laser-Based, Off-Axis Integrated Cavity Output Spectroscopy. Anal Chem, 84(22):9768-73. 2012

Selected publications before coming to China
1. Speakman,J.R.FTOeffectonenergydemandversusfoodintake.Nature,464(7289):E1;discussionE2.2010
2. Speakman,J.Evolutionarybiology:afirstforbats.Nature,451(7180):774-5.2008
3. Scantlebury,M.,Speakman,J.R.,Oosthuizen,M.K.,Roper,T.J.andBennett,N.C.Energeticsrevealsphysiologicallydistinctcastesinaeusocialmammal.Nature,440(7085):795-7.2006
4. Speakman,J.R.,Ergon,T.,Cavanagh,R.,Reid,K.,Scantlebury,D.M.andLambin,X.Restinganddailyenergyexpendituresoffree-livingfieldvolesarepositivelycorrelatedbutreflectextrinsicratherthanintrinsiceffects.
5. Thomas,D.W.,Blondel,J.,Perret,P.,Lambrechts,M.M.andSpeakman,J.R.Energeticandfitnesscostsofmismatchingresourcesupplyanddemandinseasonallybreedingbirds.Science,291(5513):2598-600.2001
6. Gorman,M.L.,Mills,M.G.,Raath,J.P.andSpeakman,J.R.HighhuntingcostsmakeAfricanwilddogsvulnerabletokleptoparasitismbyhyaenas.Nature,391(6666):479-481.1998
7. Speakman,J.R.andThomson,S.C.FlightCapabilitiesofArchaeopteryx.Nature,370(6490):514-514.1994
8. Speakman,J.R.andRacey,P.A.Nocostofecholocationforbatsinflight.Nature,350(6317):421-3.1991

Textbook contributions
1. SPEAKMAN, J.R. (2016) The evolution of obesity. Chapter 9 In Metabolic syndrome- a comprehensive textbook.Ed. Rex Ahima. Springer –Meteor. Invited contribution to medical textbook on the metabolic syndrome.

2. SPEAKMAN, J.R. and Levitsky, D. (2009) The Aetiology of Obesity. Chapter 8. In Obesity : Science to Practice. Eds. Williams, G. and Fruhbeck, G. Wiley and Sons. New York 604 ppISBN: 978-0-470-01911-5
. Invited contribution of chapter to an undergraduate medical student textbook on Obesity.

3. SPEAKMAN, J.R. (2008) Energy expenditure and human obesity. OBESITEXT an online obesity textbook Edited by Tschop, M. Invited contribution of a chapter to online obesity textbook, part of the ENDOtext
 series sponsored by the journal ‘Endocrinology’

4. SPEAKMAN, J.R. (1991)Bats: order Chiroptera, family Vespertilionidae, Daubenton’s bat Myotis daubentoni.In The Handbook of British Mammals.Pages:108-111Eds Corbet, G.B. and Harris, S. Blackwells London
 588pp.ISBN10: 0632016914ISBN13: 9780632016914. Invited species write up for Daubentons bat in the handbook of British Mammals. Third edition 1991

omplete books and edited volumes
1. J.R. SPEAKMAN (Editor) (2001)
Body composition analysis in animals: A handbook ofnon-destructive methods.
Cambridge University Press.Cambridge UK 260pp

2. J.R. SPEAKMAN (1997)
Doubly-labelled water: Theory and practice
Springer Academic Publishers, New York. 420 pp

3. J.R. SPEAKMAN and S.B. Roberts (1995)
Recent advances in the doubly-labelled water technique. Proceedings of a workshop held at Anaheim (April 1994)
Special Supplement to Obesity Research.

Short articles, popular science articles and published correspondence
1. John Speakman(2014)周末补觉的生理学 科学世界 1:108-109

2. John Speakman(2014)工具的使用——可以发生在多么低等的物种中 科学世界 2:108-10

3. John Speakman(2014)来自过去的恐惧 科学世界 3:108-109

4. John Speakman(2014)最省力的队形 科学世界 4:108-109

5. John Speakman(2014)过早的早教 科学世界 5:108-109

6. John Speakman(2014)懒惰无药可治吗? 科学世界 6:108-109

7. John Speakman(2014)使人更年轻的血液? 科学世界 7:108-109

8. John Speakman(2014)跨越边界——向图灵致敬 科学世界 8:108-109

9. John Speakman(2014)家务劳动或许能救你一命 科学世界 9:108-109

10. John Speakman(2014)激发你的记忆潜能 科学世界 11:108-109

11. John Speakman(2014)让你能在稀薄空气中奔跑的古老基因 科学世界 10:108-109

12. John Speakman(2014)猎豹:走比跑更耗能 科学世界 12:106-107

13. John Speakman2015)大熊猫:致命终点还是致命错误? 科学世界 1:108-109

14. John Speakman(2015)艺术创作需要高智商吗? 科学世界 2:108-109

15. John Speakman(2015)超乎我们的理解 科学世界 3:108-109

16. John Speakman(2015)希望永远不会中的彩票 科学世界 4:108-109

17. John Speakman(2015)入乡随俗的大山雀 科学世界 5:108-109

18. John Speakman(2015)不会产生抗药性的药物 科学世界 6:108-109

19. John Speakman(2015)看着我的眼睛 科学世界 7:108-109

20. John Speakman(2015)巧克力、减肥及其他 科学世界 8:108-109

21. John Speakman(2015)熊猫:我酷我骄傲 科学世界 9:108-109

22. John Speakman(2015)什么样的体型最诱人?科学世界 10:108-109

23. John Speakman(2015)哪个国家的人最胖?科学世界 11:108-109

24. John Speakman(2015)果汁店里的“养生经” 科学世界 12:106-107

25. John Speakman(2015)没有疼痛就没有收益 科学世界1

26. John Speakman (2016)蛋白质指南针 科学世界 2

27. SPEAKMAN, J.R. How dogs make us fall in love with them. And eleven other short stories from the frontiers of bioscience 2015." "Createspace publishing. ISBN-13: 978-1519681867 (2015)

28. SPEAKMAN, J.R. Pandas – dead end or dead wrong? and eleven other short stories from the frontiers of bioscience, 2014. "Create space publishing. ISBN-13: 978-1505548877