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Xiuwei Liu

18. Xiuwei Liu, Sarah J. Feakins*, Xuejun Dong*, Qingwu Xue, Jie Han, Thomas Marek, Daniel I. Leskovar, Clark B. Neely & Amir M. H. Ibrahim. Evaluating leaf wax and bulk leaf carbon isotope surrogates for water use efficiency and grain yield in winter wheat. Crop Science, 2019, doi:10.2135/cropsci2018.07.0452
17. Xiuwei Liu, Xuejun Dong*, Qingwu Xue, Daniel I. Leskovar, John Jifon, John Butnor. Ground penetrating radar (GPR) detects fine roots of agricultural crops in the field. Plant and Soil, 2018: 423 (1-2), 517-531.
16. Xiuwei Liu, Sarah Feakins*, Xuejun Dong*, Qingwu Xue, Thomas Marek, Daniel I. Leskovar, Clark B. Neely & Amir M. H. Ibrahim. Experimental study of leaf wax n-alkane response in winter wheat cultivars to drought conditions. Organic Geochemistry, 2017: 113, 210-223.
15. Xiuwei Liu, Xuejun Dong*, Daniel Leskovar. Ground penetrating radar for underground sensing in agriculture: a review. International Agrophysics, 2016: 30, 533-543.
14. Xiuwei Liu, Hongyong Sun, Til Feike, Xiying Zhang*, Liwei Shao, Suying Chen. Assessing the Impact of Air Pollution on Grain Yield of Winter Wheat - A Case Study in the North China Plain. PLOS ONE, 2016: 11 (9) e0162655
13. Xiuwei Liu, Til Feike, Suying Chen, Hongyong Sun, Liwei Shao, Xiying Zhang*. Effects of saline irrigation on soil salt accumulation and grain yield in the winter wheat-summer maize double cropping system in the low plain of North China. ?Journal of Integrative Agriculture, 2016: 15, 2886-2898.
12. Xiuwei Liu, Til Feike, Liwei Shao, Hongyong Sun, Suying Chen, Xiying Zhang*. Effects of different irrigation regimes on soil compaction in a winter wheat-summer maize cropping system in the North China Plain. Catena, 2016: 137, 70-76.
11. Xiuwei Liu, Xiying Zhang*, Liwei Shao, Hongyong Sun, Suying Chen. Subsoil compaction and irrigation regimes affect the root-shoot relation and grain yield of winter wheat. Agricultural water management, 2015: 154, 59-67.
10. Xiuwei Liu, Liwei Shao, Hongyong Sun, Suying Chen, Xiying Zhang*. Responses of yield and water use efficiency to irrigation amount decided by pan evaporation for winter wheat. Agricultural water management, 2013:129, 173-180.
9. Hongyong Sun, Xiying Zhang, Xiujing Liu, Xiuwei Liu, Liwei Shao, Suying Chen, Jintao Wang, and Xinliang Dong. Impact of different cropping systems and irrigation schedules on evapotranspiration, grain yield and groundwater level in the North China Plain. Agricultural Water Management, 2019: 211, 202-209.
8. Hongyong Sun*, Xiying Zhang, Xiuwei Liu, Xiaojing Liu, Zhaoqiang Ju, Liwei Shao. The long-term impact of irrigation on selected soil properties and grain production. Journal of Soil and Water Conservation, 2018: 73, 310-320.
7. Xiaoyu Zhang, Xiying Zhang*, Xiuwei Liu, Liwei Shao, Hongyong Sun, Suying Chen. Improving Winter Wheat Performance by Foliar Spray of ABA and FA Under Water Deficit Conditions. Journal of Plant Growth Regulation, 2016: 35, 83-96.
6. ZHANG, XIAOYU, XIYING ZHANG, SUYING CHEN, HONGYONG SUN, LIWEI SHAO, and XIUWEI LIU. Optimized timing of using canopy temperature to select high-yielding cultivars of winter wheat under different water regimes. Experimental Agriculture, 2016: 1-16.
5. Xiaoyu Zhang, Xiying Zhang*, Xiuwei Liu, Liwei Shao, Hongyong Sun, Suying Chen. Incorporating root distribution factor to evaluate soil water status for winter wheat. Agricultural water management, 2015:153, 32-41.
4. Yanzhe Wang, Xiying Zhang*, Xiuwei Liu, Xiaoyu Zhang, Hongyong Sun, Liwei Shao, Suying Chen. Nitrogen Supply and Water Regime Affecting Instantaneous WUE, Time-integrated WUE and Carbon Isotope Discrimination in Winter Wheat. Field crops research, 2013:144, 236-244.
3. Hongyong Sun, Liwei Shao,Xiuwei Liu, Wenfang Miao, Suying Chen, and Xiying Zhang*. Determination of water consumption and the water-saving potential of three mulching methods in a jujube orchard. European Journal of Agronomy, 2012: 43, 87-95.
2. Yanzhe Wang, Xiying Zhang*, Xiaoyu Zhang, Liwei Shao, Suying Chen, Xiuwei Liu. Soil Water Regime Affecting Correlation of Carbon Isotope Discrimination with Yield and Water-Use Efficiency of Winter Wheat. Crop Science, 2016: 56, 760-772.
1. Xiying Zhang*, Shufen Wang, Hongyong Sun, Suying Chen, Liwei Shao, Xiuwei Liu. Contribution of cultivar, fertilizer and weather to yield variation of winter wheat over three decades: A case study in the North China Plain. European Journal of Agronomy, 2013:50, 52-59.
8. 刘秀位, 王艳哲, 陈素英, 张喜英, 孙宏勇, 邵立威.不同种植方式对棉田土壤温度、棉花耗水和生长的影响[J].干旱地区农业研究,2013,31(1):01-05.
7. 刘秀位, 苗文芳, 王艳哲, 孙宏勇, 邵立威, 陈素英, 张喜英. 冬前不同管理措施对土壤温度和冬小麦早期生长的影响[J]. 中国生态农业学报, 2012,09:1135-1141.
6. 刘秀位, 张小雨, 张喜英. 大气气溶胶增加对作物影响的研究进展[J]. 生态学报, 2016, 36(07):1-7.
5. 王艳哲, 刘秀位, 孙宏勇, 张喜英, 张连蕊. 水氮调控对冬小麦根冠比和水分利用效率的影响研究[J] . 中国生态农业学报,2013, 21(3):1-8.
4. 苗文芳, 刘秀位, 邵立威, 孙宏勇, 张喜英. 金丝小枣蒸散发和作物系数变化规律研究, 灌溉排水学报, 2013,32(01):77-81.
3. 郑娜, 刘秀位, 王锡平. 利用产量差距方法进行华北冬小麦产量受气候影响规律的分析——以河北省栾城县为例[J]. 中国生态农业学报,2014,02:234-240
2. 王艳哲, 邵立威, 刘秀位, 张小雨, 张喜英.小麦玉米根系取样位置优化确定及根系分布模拟[J] . 植物生态学报,2013,37(04),365-372.
1. 崔晓朋, 郭家选, 刘秀位, 张喜英, 孙宏勇.不同种植模式对夏玉米光能利用率和产量的影响[J]. 华北农学报,2013,05:231-238