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Fei He

Education and Appointments
BS in Biology, Southwest University, Chongqing, China
Ph.D. in Bioinformatics, China Agricultural University, Beijing, China
Employment History
Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Developmental Biology Program, Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, New York, NY, USA
Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Biology Department, Brookhaven National Lab, Upton, NY, USA
Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Department of Plant Pathology, Kansas State University, Manhattan, KS, USA
Principle Investigator at Institute of Genetics and Developmental Biology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China.

Research Direction
Wheat cultivars developed through distant hybrid between wheat and Tall Wheatgrass (Thinopyrum ponticum, 2n=10x=70) play an important role in food security in China. For instance, Xiaoyan6, as one the most famous cultivars from distant hybrid breeding, had been widely grown in China for decades. It has high yield, great flour quality and durable resistance. Despite of those excellent traits, we have little knowledge about the mechanisms of its breeding process. We do not yet know what kind of genes from the Tall Wheatgrass were introgressed and selected by breeders. My lab will leverage data-driven approaches on the mechanism of distant hybrid. The long-term goal of my lab is to develop a more efficient breeding strategy for targeted deployment of foreign DNA into elite wheat lines.

Representative Works:
He F, Pasam R, Shi F, …, Hayden M, Akhunov E. Exome sequencing highlights the role of wild relative introgression in shaping the adaptive landscape of the wheat genome. Nature Genetics 2019, 51, 896–904
Jordan K#, He F#, Fernandez M, Akhunova A, Akhunov E. Differential chromatin accessibility landscape reveals the structural and functional features of the allopolyploid wheat chromosomes. Genome Biology 2020, 21:176
He F, Yoo S, Wang D, Kumari S, Gerstein M, Ware D, Maslov S. Large-scale atlas of microarray data reveals the distinct expression landscape of different tissues in Arabidopsis. Plant Journal 2016, 86:472–480.
He F#, Zhou Y#, Zhang Z. Deciphering the Arabidopsis floral transition process by integrating a protein-protein interaction network and gene expression data. Plant Physiology 2010, 153(4):1492-505
He F, Zhang Y, Chen H, Zhang Z, Peng Y-L. The prediction of protein-protein interaction networks in rice blast fungus. BMC Genomics 2008, 9:519
Li Z#, He F#, Zhang Z, Peng Y-L. Prediction of protein–protein interactions between Ralstonia solanacearum and Arabidopsisthaliana. Amino Acids 2012, 42(6):2363-2371
Du Z#, He F#, Yu Z, Bowerman B, Bao Z: E3 ubiquitin ligases promote progression of differentiation during C. elegans embryogenesis. Developmental Biology 2015, 398:267–279
Xiao L, Zhao Z, He F*, Du Z*. Multivariable regulation of gene expression plasticity in metazoans. Open Biology 2019, 9(12):190150.
Qi H, Jiang Z, Zhang K, Yang S, He F*, Zhang Z*. PlaD: a transcriptomics database for plant defense responses to pathogens, providing new insights into plant immune system. Genomics, Proteomics&Bioinformatics 2018, 16(4):283-293
He F*, Karve AA, Maslov S, Babst BA. Large-scale public transcriptomic data mining reveals a tight connection between the transport of nitrogen and other transport processes in Arabidopsis. Frontiers in Plant Science 2016, 11;7:1207.
He F*, Maslov S*. Pan-and core-network analysis of co-expression genes in a model plant. Scientific Reports 2016, 6:38956.
Jiang Z, Dong X, Li Z, He F*, Zhang Z*. Differential coexpression analysis reveals extensive rewiring of arabidopsis gene coexpression in response to pseudomonas syringae infection. Scientific Reports 2016, 6:35064
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ORCID: http://orcid.org/0000-0002-1165-3248
Google Scholar: https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=pRhyH6IAAAAJ&hl=en