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Shunji Jia

BS in School of Life Sciences, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China
Ph.D. in School of Life Sciences, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China
Employment History
Postdoctoral Research Fellow in the lab of Prof. Anming Meng at Tsinghua University, Beijing, China
Assistant Investigator at Tsinghua University, Beijing, China
Associate Investigator at Tsinghua University, Beijing, China
Principle Investigator at Center for Developmental Biology, Institute of Genetics and Developmental Biology, Chinese Academy of Seciences
National Science Foundation of China for Excellent Young Scholars
The 7th Youth Science and Technology Award of China Zoological Society
Zeiss-Zebrafish Scientific Research Award - Outstanding Young Scholar Award

The Jia laboratory is interested in understanding the cellular and molecular mechanisms of embryonic development and organogenesis, especially the circulation system formation. We use zebrafish as the major model system, which is an excellent vertebrate model due to its external and rapid development, optical transparency, convenience for live-cell imaging, and amenability for chemical and forward genetic screens. Additionally, we also use cultured cell lines and mouse model to explore the conserved mechanisms in mammalian systems.
1) The role of phospholipid molecules in early embryo development and organogenesis
As the vital membrane components, phospholipid molecules have been reported to be important for the proper functioning of the nervous, digestive, skeletal, as well as alveolar systems. However, whether phospholipid molecules have more essential roles in embryonic development and organogenesis needs further investigation. We found that endosomal phosphoinositide conversion regulated by PITP family member Sec14l2/Sec14l3 is required for endosome fission, and therefore VEGFR2 trafficking to promote vasculogenesis in zebrafish (Nat Commun, 2019; Nat Cell Biol, 2021). Next, we will focus on the cellular functions of phospholipid molecules by exploring their specific distribution and dynamic conversion in different membrane structures, and finally their possible roles in embryonic development and organogenesis.
2) Lymphatic development and its molecular regulation
Given the importance of lymphatic vasculature in immune responses, tumor metastasis, lymphedema and many other pathological conditions, the long-term goal of our research is to understand the molecular mechanisms of the lymphatic development. Along with the successful discoveries that zebrafish lymphatic system shares many of the morphological, molecular and functional characteristics of lymphatic vessels in mammals, and the generation of transgenic reporter lines as powerful tools for imaging and studying lymphatic development in vivo, using zebrafish to study lymphatic vasculature becomes a reality in recent years. Furthermore, based on the establishment of several lymphatic and complex vascular disease models using zebrafish, we will also make efforts to conduct a whole-organism, phenotype-based, small molecule screening. Our research findings will be likely to provide more treatment clues for human lymphatic and complex vascular diseases.
3) Lymphatic vascular heterogeneity and specialization
Despite sharing a broadly similar origin and molecular mechanisms to form lymphatic ECs during embryonic development, the molecular, morphological and functional heterogeneity within the lymphatic ECs is increasingly recognized in both normal and disease conditions. However, the mechanisms by which lymphatic ECs specialize to fulfil their distinct features are poorly understood. Therefore, we hope to investigate how these differences between lymphatic EC subsets are established and maintained, and how these differences contribute to specific functions of lymphatic vessels in different tissues and organs, as well as in different physiological and pathological states.

Selected Publications
(# Co-first author; * Corresponding author)
Published as correspondence/co-correspondence author
Ting Li#, Tursunjan Aziz, Guangyuan Li, Lin Zhang, Jihua Yao*, Shunji Jia*. A zebrafish tufm mutant model for the COXPD4 syndrome of aberrant mitochondrial function. Journal of Genetics and Genomics.2024.
Shihui Ding#, Tursunjan Aziz, Anming Meng, Shunji Jia*. Aagab is required for zebrafish larval development by regulating neural activity.Journal of Genetics and Genomics.2024.
Meng Y#, Lv T#, Zhang J, Shen W, Li L, Li Y, Liu X, Lei X, Lin X, Xu H, Meng A*, Jia S*. Temporospatial inhibition of Erk signaling is required for lymphatic valve formation. Signal Transduct Target Ther.2023.
Gong B#, Guo Y#, Ding S, Liu X, Meng A, Li D*, Jia S*. A Golgi-derived vesicle potentiates PI4P to PI3P conversion for endosome fission. Nat Cell Biol, 2021.
Jia S*, Meng A*.TGFβ family signaling during embryonic development. Development, 2021.
Gong B, Li Z, Xiao W, Li G, Ding S, Meng A*, Jia S*. Sec14l3 potentiates VEGFR2 signaling to regulate zebrafish vasculogenesis. Nat Commun, 2019.
Wang Y, Han Y, Xu P, Ding S, Li G, Jin H, Meng Y, Meng A, Jia S*. prpf4 is essential for cell survival and posterior lateral line primordium migration in zebrafish. J Genet Genomics, 2018.
Gong B, Shen W, Xiao W, Meng Y, Meng A*, Jia S*. The Sec14-like phosphatidylinositol transfer proteins Sec14l3/SEC14L2 act as GTPase proteins to mediate Wnt/Ca2+ signaling. Elife, 2017.
Sun Q#, Liu X#, Gong B, Wu D, Meng A, Jia S*, Alkbh4 and Atrn Act Maternally to Regulate Zebrafish Epiboly, Int J Biol Sci, 2017.
Xing C, Gong B, Xue Y, Han Y, Wang Y, Meng A*, Jia S*, TGFβ1a regulates zebrafish posterior lateral line formation via Smad5 mediated pathway, J Mol Cell Biol, 2015.
Jia S#, Dai F#, Wu D, Lin X, Xing C, Xue Y, Wang Y, Xiao M, Wu W, Feng XH*, Meng A*, Protein Phosphatase 4 Cooperates with Smads to Promote BMP Signaling in Dorsoventral Patterning of Zebrafish Embryos, Dev Cell, 2012.
Cui Y#, He S#, Xing C#, Lu K, Wang J, Xing G, Meng A, Jia S*, He F*, Zhang L*, SCFFBXL15 regulates BMP signalling by directing the degradation of HECT-type ubiquitin ligase Smurf1, EMBO J, 2011.
Xia L#, Jia S#, Huang S#, Wang H, Zhu Y, Mu Y, Kan L, Zheng W, Wu D, Li X, Sun Q, Meng A, Chen D*, The Fused/Smurf Complex Controls the Fate of Drosophila Germline Stem Cells by Generating a Gradient BMP Response, Cell, 2010.
Jia S*, Wu D, Xing C, Meng A*, Smad2/3 activities are required for induction and patterning of the neuroectoderm in zebrafish, Dev Biol, 2009.
Jia S, Ren Z, Li X, Zheng Y, Meng A*, smad2 and smad3 are required for mesendoderm induction by transforming growth factor-beta/Nodal signals in zebrafish, J Biol Chem, 2008.
Jia S*, Meng A*, Tob genes in development and homeostasis, Dev Dyn, 2007.
Huang H#, Lu F#, Jia S#, Meng S, Cao Y, Wang Y, Ma W, Yin K, Wen Z, Peng J, Thisse C, Thisse B*, Meng A*, Amotl2 is essential for cell movements in zebrafish embryo and regulates c-Src translocation, Development, 2007.