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Xiaofang Li

BS in Chemistry, Anyang Normal University, Anyang, China
MS in Organic Chemistry, Joint Education at Guangxi Normal University and Chinese Academy of Geological Sciences, Guilin, China
Ph.D. in Environmental Science, Research Center for Eco-Environmental Sciences, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing
Employment History
Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Centre for Mined Land Rehabilitation, Sustainable Minerals Institute, The University of Queensland.
Principle Investigator at CARR, Institute of Genetics and Developmental Biology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China.
Director, Yancheng Institute of Soil Ecology

Research Direction
We face various challenges for sustainability in modern agriculture, like heavy metal pollution which impacts human health via food consumption. Dr Li’d group aims to develop novel biotechnology for minimizing crops’ heavy metal pollution and its health impacts. This involves the risk assessment of metal pollution in agriculture environments, assessment of candidate pollution control technology, screening and tests of tolerant biomaterials, deciphering biological metal resistance mechanism, and finally the creation of novel biomaterials using modern bioengineering tools. We promote the pollution control of agricultural processes in the view of life cycle, and innovate the whole chain rather than focus on asingle step.

Representative Works:
1.Wu, P., Z. Wang, A. Bhatnagar, P. Jeyakumar, H. Wang, Y. Wang and X. Li (2021). Microorganisms-carbonaceous materials immobilized complexes: Synthesis, adaptability and environmental applications. Journal of Hazardous Materials 416: 125915.
2.Zheng, X., S. Yang, L. Chen, R. N. Kimotho, M. Chen, J. Chen, J. Zhang and X. Li (2021). A newly-isolated Cd-loving Purpureocillium sp. strain YZ1 substantially alleviates Cd toxicity to wheat. Plant and Soil. DOI:https://doi.org/10.1007/s11104-021-04954-5
3.Yang, S., W. Feng, S. Wang, L. Chen, X. Zheng, X. Li and D. Zhou (2021). Farmland heavy metals can migrate to deep soil at a regional scale: A case study on a wastewater-irrigated area in China. Environmental Pollution 281: 116977.
4.Li, X. F., M. M. Islam, L. Chen, L. K. Wang and X. Zheng (2020). Metagenomics-Guided Discovery of Potential Bacterial Metallothionein Genes from the Soil Microbiome That Confer Cu and/or Cd Resistance. Applied and Environmental Microbiology 86(9).
5.Xing, C., J. H. Chen, X. Zheng, L. Chen, M. M. Chen, L. K. Wang and X. F. Li (2020). Functional metagenomic exploration identifies novel prokaryotic copper resistance genes from the soil microbiome. Metallomics 12(3): 387-395.
6.Wang, L. K. and X. F. Li (2019). Steering soil microbiome to enhance soil system resilience. Critical Reviews in Microbiology 45(5-6): 743-753.
7.Li, X. F. (2019). Technical solutions for the safe utilization of heavy metal-contaminated farmland in China: A critical review. Land Degradation & Development 30(15): 1773-1784.
8.Li, X.F.; You, F.; Bond, P.L.; Huang, L.B. Establishing microbial diversity and functions in weathered and neutral Cu-Pb-Zn tailings with native soil addition. Geoderma 2015;247:108-116
9.Li, X.F.; Huang, L.B. Toward a New Paradigm for Tailings Phytostabilization-Nature of the Substrates, Amendment Options, and Anthropogenic Pedogenesis. Critical Reviews in Environmental Science and Technology 2015;45:813-839
10.Li, X.F.; Huang, L.B.; Bond, P.L.; Lu, Y.; Vink, S. Bacterial diversity in response to direct revegetation in the Pb-Zn-Cu tailings under subtropical and semi-arid conditions. Ecological Engineering 2014;68:233-240
We have 18 granted and pending patents till Oct 2021