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Bing Wang

2000-2004 Bachelor Degree of Life Science, Shandong Normal University
2004-2011 PhD of Genetics, Institute of Genetics and Developmental Biology, CAS
2011-2017 Research assistant, Institute of Genetics and Developmental Biology, CAS
2018-2020 Research associate, Institute of Genetics and Developmental Biology, CAS
2021-       Young Investigator, Institute of Genetics and Developmental Biology, CAS
Selected Academic Honors
2023       National Innovation Award Medal
2023       Outstanding Member of the Youth Innovation Promotion Association, CAS
2021       National Excellent Yong Scientists Fund, NSFC
2021       Outstanding Young Women Award
2019       Member of the Youth Innovation Promotion Association, CAS
2024-      Editorial Group for Life Sciences, National Science Review
2023-      Editor, The Innovation Life
2021-      Youth editor, The Innovation

1. Biosynthesis and signaling pathways of strigolactone
Strigolactones (SLs) are a group of newly identified plant hormones that have profound effects on plant development and environmental responses. Using a specific SL analog GR244DO, we havesystematically identified SL responsive genes, revealed the genetic network in SL-regulated plant development, and discovered a novel mechanism through which a transcriptional repressor of hormone signaling can directly recognize DNA and regulate transcription in higher plants. We also discovered an unexpected but important convergent pathway in SL- and karrikin-regulated gene expression and hypocotyl elongation, and revealed molecular mechanisms underlying how SL and ABA coordinately regulate tillering in rice. Furthermore, we revealed the molecular mechanisms underlying the key roles of SLs in tillering regulation, root development and nutrient absorption under low-phosphorus and low-nitrogen conditions. We are interested in studying novel mechanisms of SL biosynthesis and signaling pathways and investigating their influence on rice agronomic traits.
2. Roles of SLs in symbiosis and parasitism
In the rhizosphere, SLs function as molecular signals that enable parasitic plants and arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungi to detect their host plants, thus playing important roles in the infestation of parasitic weeds and the absorption of water and nutrients. We are interested in elucidating mechanisms of parasitism in host crops of Orobanche plants through cloning key QTLs/genes controlling parasitism in tomato and sunflower, aiming to cultivate anti-parasitic crops with high yield. Furthermore, we are also interested in understanding roles of SLs in promoting symbiosis of AM fungi together with karrikin signaling.
3. Mechanism and regulation of auxin biosynthesis
The phytohormone auxin plays fundamental roles in regulating embryogenesis, shoot branching and environmental response in diverse plant species. It is generally believed that auxin biosynthesis is via the tryptophan (Trp)-dependent pathway. However, Trp is not the exclusive precursor of auxin. We have discovered an unknown but long-anticipated auxin biosynthesis pathway that bypasses Trp and functionally identified the first key component of this pathway. The Trp-independent auxin biosynthesis pathway is essential for the formation of primary body axis during early embryogenesis in Arabidopsis. We are interested in further investigating this pathway and studying regulatory mechanism of auxin biosynthesis in plants.


1. Chang W, Qiao Q, Li Q, Li X, Li Y, Huang X, Wang Y, Li J, Wang B*, Wang L*. (2024). Non-transcriptional regulatory activity of SMAX1 and SMXL2 mediates karrikin-regulated seedling response to red light in Arabidopsis. Mol. Plant. doi: 10.1016/ j.molp.2024.05.007.
2. Ye H, Hou Q, Lv H, Shi H, Wang D, Chen Y, Xu T, Wang M, He M, Yin J, Lu X, Tang Y, Zhu X, Zou L, Chen X, Li J, Wang B*, Wang J*. (2024). D53 represses rice blast resistance by directly targeting phenylalanine ammonia lyases. J. Integr. Plant Biol. doi:10.1111/jipb.13734
3. Cheng Q, Li J, Wang B*. (2024). ABP1/ABLs and TMKs form receptor complexes to perceive extracellular auxin and trigger fast phosphorylation responses. The Innovation Life 2(2): 100063.
4. Yuan K#, Zhang H#, Yu C#, Luo N, Yan J, Zheng S, Hu Q, Zhang D, Kou L, Meng X, Jing Y, Chen M, Ban X, Yan Z, Lu Z, Wu J, Zhao Y, Liang Y, Wang Y, Xiong G, Chu J, Wang E, Li J, Wang B*. (2023) Low phosphorus promotes NSP1-NSP2 heterodimerization to enhance strigolactone biosynthesis and regulate shoot and root architectures in rice. Mol Plant 16(11):1811-1831.
Highlighted with Spotlight article in Trends Plant Sci., 29(5): 501-503
Highlighted with Spotlight article in Mol. Plant, 17(1): 19-21
Highlighted with Spotlight article in Sci. China Life Sci., 67(2): 428-430
Highlighted with Spotlight article in Chin Sci. Bull., 69(2): 143-145
5. Liu S, Wang J, Song B, Gong X, Liu H, Hu Q, Zhang J, Li Q, Zheng J, Wang H*, Xu HE*, Li J*, Wang B*. (2023) Conformational Dynamics of the D53-D3-D14 Complex in Strigolactone Signaling. Plant Cell Physiol. 64(9):1046-1056.
6. Li X #, Yan Z#, Zhang M, Wang J, Xin P, Cheng S, Kou L, Zhang X, Wu S, Chu J, Yi C, Ye K, Wang B*, Li J*. (2023). SnoRNP is essential for thermospermine-mediated development in Arabidopsis thaliana. Sci. China Life Sci. 66:2-11. (Cover story)
7. Li X#, Lei C#, Song Q, Bai L, Cheng B, Qin K, Li X, Ma B, Wang B, Zhou W, Chen X*, Li J*. (2023) Chemoproteomic profiling of O-GlcNAcylated proteins and identification of O-GlcNAc transferases in rice. Plant Biotechnol. J. 21 (4):742-753.
8. Liu H, Liu S, Yu H, Huang X, Wang Y, Jiang L, Meng X, Liu G, Chen M, Jing Y, Yu F, Wang B*, Li J*.(2022) An engineered platform for reconstituting functional multisubunit SCF E3 ligase in vitro. Mol. Plant 15: 1285-1299.
Highlighted with Spotlight article in Mol. Plant, 15(11): 1654-1655
9. Jia M#, Luo N#, Meng X, Song X, Jing Y, Kou L, Liu G, Huang X, Wang Y, Li J, Wang B*, Yu H*. (2022) OsMPK4 promotes phosphorylation and degradation of IPA1 in response to salt stress to confer salt tolerance in rice. J. Genet. Genomics 49: 766-775.
10.  Song X, Meng X, Guo H, Cheng Q, Jing Y, Chen M, Liu G, Wang B, Wang Y, Li J, Yu H. (2022) Targeting a gene regulatory element enhances rice grain yield by decoupling panicle number and size. Nat. Biotechnol.. 40: 1403. (Highly Cited Paper)
11.  Chen R#, Deng Y#, Ding Y#, Guo J#, Qiu J#, Wang B#, Wang C#, Xie Y#, Zhang Z#, Chen J, Chen L, Chu C, He G, He Z, Huang X, Xing Y, Yang S, Xie D*, Liu Y*, Li J*. (2022). Rice functional genomics: decades’ efforts and roads ahead. Sci. China Life Sci. 65:33-92. (Highly Cited Paper)
12.  Wang, B and Li, J. (2021). Rice geographic adaption to poor soil: novel insights for sustainable agriculture. Mol. Plant 14: 369-371.
13.  Wang, L#, Wang, B#*, Yu H, Guo H, Lin T, Kou L, Wang A, Shao N, Ma H, Xiong G, Li X, Yang J, Chu J, and Li, J*. (2020). Transcriptional regulation of strigolactone signalling in Arabidopsis. Nature 583: 277-281. (Highly Cited Paper)
Highlighted with Spotlight article in Trends Plant Sci., 25(10): 960-963;
Highlighted with Spotlight article in Mol. Plant, 13(9): 1244-1246;
Highlighted with Spotlight article in Sci. China Life Sci 63(11): 1768-1770;
Highlighted with Spotlight article in Chin Bull Bot 55(3): 1-7
14.  Liu X#, Hu Q#, Yan J#, Sun K, Liang Y, Jia M, Meng X, Fang S, Wang Y, Jing Y, Liu G, Wu D, Chu C, Smith S M, Chu J*, Wang Y, Li J, and Wang B*. (2020). zeta-Carotene Isomerase Suppresses Tillering in Rice through the Coordinated Biosynthesis of Strigolactone and Abscisic Acid. Mol. Plant 13: 1784-1801.
15.  Wang, L#, Xu, Q#, Yu, H, Ma, H, Li, X, Yang, J, Chu, J, Xie Q, Wang Y, Smith, SM, Li, J, Xiong, G*, and Wang, B*. (2020). Strigolactone and karrikin signaling pathways elicit ubiquitination and proteolysis of SMXL2 to regulate hypocotyl elongation in Arabidopsis thaliana. Plant Cell 32: 2251-2270. (Highly Cited Paper)
16.  Wang Y#, Shang L#, Yu H#, Zeng L#, Hu J, Ni S, Rao Y, Li S, Chu J, Meng X, Wang L, Hu P, Yan J, Kang S, Qu M, Lin H, Wang T, Wang Q, Hu X, Chen H, Wang B, Gao Z, Guo L, Zeng D, Zhu X, Xiong G*, Li J*, and Qian Q*. (2020). A strigolactone biosynthesis gene contributed to the green revolution in rice. Mol. Plant 13, 923-932.
17.  Zheng J#, Hong K#, Zeng L#, Wang L, Kang S, Qu M, Dai J, Zou L, Zhu L, Tang Z, Meng X, Wang B, Hu J, Zeng D, Zhao Y, Cui P, Wang Q, Qian Q, Wang Y, Li J, and Xiong G. (2020). Karrikin Signaling Acts Parallel to and Additively with Strigolactone Signaling to Regulate Rice Mesocotyl Elongation in Darkness. Plant Cell 32, 2780-2805.
18.  Wang B and Li J (2019). Understanding the molecular bases of agronomic trait improvement in rice. Plant Cell 31: 1416-1417.
19.  Shao G#, Lu Z#, Xiong J, Wang B, Jing Y, Meng X, Liu G, Ma H, Liang Y, Chen F, Wang Y, Li J, Yu H (2019). Tiller bud formation regulators MOC3 and MOC1 cooperatively promote tiller bud outgrowth by activating FON1 expression in rice. Mol Plant. 12, 1090-1102.
20.  Wang B, Smith SM*, and Li J*. (2018). Genetic control of shoot architecture. Annu. Rev. Plant Biol. 69: 437-468. (Highly Cited Paper)
21.  Yao R#, Wang L#, Li Y#, Chen L#, Li S, Du X, Wang B, Yan J, Li J*, and Xie D*. (2018). Rice DWARF14 acts as an unconventional hormone receptor for strigolactones. J. Exp. Bot. 69: 2355-2365.
22.  Bai, S, Yu, H, Wang, B, and Li, J (2018). Retrospective and perspective of rice breeding in China. J. Genet. Genomics 45, 603-612.
23.  Wang B, Wang Y, Li, J. (2017). Strigolactones. In: Hormone Metabolism and Signaling in Plants (eds. Li J, Li C, Smith SM) Academic Press Elsevier (London UK), 327-359.
24.  Hu Q#, He Y#, Wang L, Liu S, Meng X, Liu G, Jing Y, Chen M, Song X, Jiang L, Yu H, Wang B*, and Li J* (2017). DWARF14, a receptor covalently linked with the active form of strigolactones, undergoes strigolactone-dependent degradation in rice. Front. Plant Sci. 8: 1935.
25.  Wang B#, Chu J#, Yu T#, Xu Q, Sun X, Yuan J, Xiong G, Wang G, Wang Y, and Li J (2015). Tryptophan-independent auxin biosynthesis contributes to early embryogenesis in Arabidopsis. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 112: 4821-4826.
Selected for F1000 Prime
26.  Wang L#, Wang B #, Jiang L, Liu X, Li X, Lu Z, Meng X, Wang Y, Smith SM, and Li J (2015). Strigolactone signaling in Arabidopsis regulates shoot development by targeting D53-Like SMXL repressor proteins for ubiquitination and degradation. Plant Cell 27: 3128-3142. (Highly Cited Paper)
Highlighted with an In Brief article in Plant Cell 27(11):3022-3023,
27.  Zhang R, Wang B, Li J and Wang Y (2008) Arabidopsis Indole synthase (INS), a homolog of Trp synthase (TSA1), is an enzyme involved in Trp-independent metabolites biosynthesis pathway. J Integ Plant Biol 50: 1070-1077.
28.  Wang B, Li J and Wang Y (2006) Advances in understanding roles of auxin involved in modulating plant architecture. Chin Bull Bot 23: 443-458.