Postdoc Program
IGDB has postdoctoral positions available in the fields including but not limited to: crop design, crop germplasm management, crop phenotyping and phenomics, Cryo-EM, molecular genetics and genomics, neurodevelopment and neuropathy, stem cell and development, synthetic biology, tissue engineering and regenerative medicine, big data analytics.
There are currently more than 150 postdoctoral fellows working at IGDB. With state-of-the-art experimental facilities and guidance from internationally recognized scientist, postdoctoral fellows working at IGDB achieve timely and important research results while growing scientifically and professionally.
Postdoctoral Program
The annual salary for a postdoctoral fellow is in the range of RMB 200,000~300,000 (before tax). Should these candidates obtain project funding, such as PIFI (CAS President's International Fellowship Initiative), and extra allowance will be paid during his/her postdoctoral period of two years.
Applicants should have received a Ph.D. within the last three years, and be 35 years old or younger.
How to Apply
To apply for a postdoctoral position at IGDB, send a cover letter, accompanied by a CV, the names and contact information for three references to the principle investigator of the interested research lab. Please refer to personal homepage for contact information of the principle investigators in IGDB.

My studies will not only prepare me for my future career but it will also act as a reference and proof of a lifelong investment I have made in myself.

I will certainly remember my stay in China for a long, long time. I hope that my stay in China in the research group of Professor Ling was only the beginning of long-lasting and meaningful scientific collaboration.