Research News
Scientists Make Advance in Breeding High Resistant Starch Rice
Prof. LI Jiayang’s team from the Institute of Genetics and Developmental Biology of the Chinese Academy of Sciences found that the loss of function of two paralogous starch biosynthetic genes contributes to an increase in resistant starch (RS) content in cooked rice, collaborated with Prof. WU Dianxing’s team from the Zhejiang University.
07 May 2023
Researchers Reveal a Novel Module that Influences Soybean Seed Traits
Research group of Prof. ZHANG Jinsong, from the Institute of Genetics and Developmental Biology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, found that the GmJAZ3-GmRR18a-GmMYC2a-GmCKXs module regulated seed-related traits by the crosstalk between cytokinin and jasmonate (JA) signaling in soybean.
27 Apr 2023
Researchers Develop New Tools for Precise Large DNA Insertions
GAO Caixia's group from the Institute of Genetics and Developmental Biology of the Chinese Academy of Sciences developed a new genome editing technology that achieves efficient and precise targeted insertion of large DNA segments in plants.
23 Apr 2023
A Molecular Module Coordinates Plant Cell Wall Formation and Adaptive Growth
Research group of Prof. ZHOU Yihua from the Institute of Genetics and Developmental Biology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, recently reported that the RLCK-VND6 module, a fine-tuning signaling cascade, coordinates cell wall accumulation and growth plasticity in rice.
14 Apr 2023
Darwin's Natural Selection Occurring among Neural Progenitor Cells Controls Mammalian Brain Size
The group led by Prof. WU Qing-Feng from Institute of Genetics and Developmental Biology in Chinese Academy of Sciences recently demonstrated the presence of cell competition between neural progenitor cells (NPCs) during neurodevelopment.
12 Apr 2023
Enlarged Brain Size Due to More Glia Cells in a Non-human Primate Autism Model
A joint work by ZHANG Yong Qing's research team from the Institute of Genetics and Developmental Biology of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and LI Xiaojiang's team from Jinan University, found that mutations in the CHD8 gene lead to an abnormal increase in glial cells in cynomolgus monkeys in the early stage of brain development, resulting in la...
04 Apr 2023
Researchers Develope a Deeply Integrated Multi-omics Database for Soybean: SoyOmics
Researchers led by TIAN Zhixi from the Institute of Genetics and Developmental Biology of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, made contribution to draw an innovative framework of soybean multi-omics data and built the database: SoyOmics.
31 Mar 2023
Researchers Find New Function of an Oil Regulator GmZF351 in Soybean Stress Tolerance
A team led by Prof ZHANG Jinsong, from Institute of Genetics and Developmental Biology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, reported roles and mechanisms of a transcriptional regulator GmZF351 in salt and drought stress tolerance in stable transgenic soybean plants.
24 Mar 2023