Research News
A Non-canonical Catalase Functions As a Transnitrosylase to Regulate Nitric Oxide Signaling in Plants
A team led by Prof. ZUO Jianru at Institutes of Genetics and Developmental Biology (IGDB) of Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) and collaborators identified a transnitrosylase, named ROG1, which can regulate nitric oxide signaling in plants.
26 Apr 2020
A Plant Defense Metabolite Specifically Suppresses Virulence of Pathogenic Bacteria
A team led by ZHOU Jian-Min at Institute of Genetics and Development Biology of Chinese Academy of Sciences and LEI Xiaoguang at Peking University discovered a new mechanism by which a plant defense compound targets pathogenic bacteria without having deleterious effect on commensal bacteria.
09 Apr 2020
Count on Yourself – A Self-activation Loop Maintains Plant Stem Cells
A team led by investigators from the Institute of Genetics and Developmental Biology (IGDB), Chinese Academy of Sciences is reporting a self-activation loop that maintains stem cell fate in the leaf axil to enable branching.
30 Mar 2020
Scientists Find a Practical Approach to Improve Differential Gene Expression Analysis
Recently, a team lead by Dr. TU Qiang at the Institute of Genetics and Developmental Biology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, developed a practical approach Decode-seq (Differential Expression analysis by barCODEd SEQuencing) to overcome the current limitations in the RNA-seq differential expression analysis and enable more accurate DEG discovery.
26 Mar 2020
Researchers Discovered A GDSL Lipase Facilitates Ethylene Signaling in Rice Roots
A recent study from ZHANG Jin-Song’s lab and CHEN Shou-Yi’s lab at the Institute of Genetics and Developmental Biology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, discovered a novel modulator of the ethylene signaling pathway in rice, suggesting that lipid metabolism plays a role in ethylene signaling regulation.
23 Mar 2020
Researchers Reveal Structural Basis for Presynaptic Homeostasis
Researchers from the Institute of Genetics and Developmental Biology of the Chinese Academy of Sciences found out how structural changes at presynapses occur to promote increases at presynaptic release sites during homeostatic regulation.
16 Mar 2020
Development of Prime Editing for Rice and Wheat
Recently, a research team led by Prof. GAO Caixia of the Institute of Genetics and Developmental Biology of the Chinese Academy of Sciences reported the optimization of a prime editing system (designated PPE system) for creating desired point mutations, insertions and deletions in rice and wheat.
17 Mar 2020
Researchers Revealed A Novel Ethylene Signaling Mechanism in Rice Roots
A team led by ZHANG Jin-Song and CHEN Shou-Yi at the Institute of Genetics and Developmental Biology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, revealed a novel ethylene signaling mechanism in rice roots.
09 Mar 2020