Research News
H3K27me3 Demethylase JUMONJI 13 Regulates Flowering Time in Arabidopsis
Recently, a team led by Prof. CAO Xiaofeng at Institute of Genetics and Developmental Biology, Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS), in collaboration with Prof. SUN Daye’s team from Hebei Normal Unviersity and Prof. DU Jiamu’s team from Shanghai Center for Plant Stress Biology, CAS, revealed the structure of Arabidopsis JMJ13 catalytic domain and...
02 Apr 2019
IGDB Scientists Found that Xylan Sidechain Deacetylation Determines Cell Wall Architecting
The group of Prof. ZHOU Yihua from the Institute of Genetics and Developmental Biology, Chinese Academy of Science, recently reported that rice DARX1 is a GDSL esterase that removes acetyl groups from excess acetylated arabinosyl substituents of arabinoxylan and modulates xylan conformation and secondary wall architecture.
28 Mar 2019
Transplanting Adult Spinal Cord Tissues: A New Strategy of Repair Spinal Cord Injury
Dr. Dai Jianwu’s group from the Institute of Genetics and Developmental Biology, Chinese Academy of Science, successful used adult spinal cord grafts (aSCGs) derived from adult rat spinal cord tissue as an allograft for the treatment of complete spinal cord injury (SCI) in adult rats.
28 Mar 2019
Rice Cultivation: Balance of Phosphorus and Nitrogen Determines Growth and Yield
Scientists at the Institute of Genetics and Developmental Biology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing (China), collaborated with researchers from the University of Cologne's Botanical Institute and the Cluster of Excellence CEPLAS, discovered a new mechanism in control of plant nutrition which could help to achieve higher harvests in a sustain...
27 Mar 2019
Snapdragon Enters the Genomic Age
Researchers in China and at the John Innes Centre have successfully assembled a near-complete genome sequence of the popular plant model system Antirrhinum majus.
05 Mar 2019
Researchers Reveal Unexpected Genome-Wide Off-Target Mutations Caused by Cytosine Base Editing
A research team led by Prof. GAO Caixia in the Institute of Genetics and Developmental Biology of Chinese Academy of Sciences performed a comprehensive investigation of the unexpected off-target mutations generated by base editors with deep, whole-genome sequencing in rice, and found cytosine, but not adenine, induce genome-wide off-target mutat...
01 Mar 2019
Researchers Generated A Shoot Domains Specific Gene Expression Map
Recently,a team led by Prof. JIAO Yuling from Institute of Genetics and Developmental Biology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, constructed a cell domain-specific gene expression atlas for the Arabidopsis shoot apex that includes shoot apical meristem and leaf primordia.
18 Jan 2019