Research News
Researchers Reveal the Molecular Regulation Mechanism of JA-mediated Iron Uptake Inhibition in Arabidopsis
The Prof. LING Hongqing’s team at the Institute of Genetics and Developmental Biology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, identified four novel FIT interactors, which extend the understanding of iron uptake regulation network and illustrated the crosstalk between iron deficiency regulation and JA signaling pathway.
09 Jul 2018
Genes Escape from Unfriendly Centromeric Regions
In a recent study, a group led by Prof. CHEN Mingsheng in the Institute of Genetic and Developmental Biology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, carried out a comprehensive comparative genomic analysis on centromere regions between two Oryza species, O. sativa and O. brachyantha using clone-by-clone strategy.
09 Jul 2018
Researchers Discover A New Mechanism of Nitric Oxide-Regulated Selective Autophagy in Plants
Recently, a team, led by Prof. ZUO Jianru at Institute of Genetics and Developmental Biology of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, discovered a new mechanism of Nitric Oxide-regulated selective autophagy in plants.
29 Jun 2018
Immune Receptors Mediate MAPK Activation
A Team led by ZHOU Jian-Min at Institute of Genetics and Development Biology of Chinese Academy of Sciences uncovered a long-sought-after missing link between a receptor kinase and MAPK cascades.
28 Jun 2018
Scientists Reveal Redundancy and Specificity of RLCK VII Members in Immunity
The group led by ZHOU Jian-Min at Institute of Genetics and Development Biology of Chinese Academy of Sciences uncovered a large number of RLCK VII members contributing to modulate plant immune signaling.
27 Jun 2018
Scientists Find a New Function of m6A-modification in Regulating Cerebellar Development
Research teams led by Prof. WANG Xiujie at Institute of Genetics and Developmental Biology, Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS), Prof. YANG Yungui at Beijing Institute of Genomics, CAS, and Prof. ZHOU Qi at Institute of Zoology, CAS, collaborated to find a new function of m6A-modification in regulating cerebellar development.
21 Jun 2018
Decreasing Gliadin Protein Accumulation Concurrently Improves Wheat End-use, Nutritional and Health Related Traits
Recently, a team led by Professor WANG Daowen’s at the Institute of Genetics and Developmental Biology (IGDB), Chinese Academy of Sciences, revealed that decreasing gliadin protein accumulation can improve the breadmaking and health-related trains of common wheat.
14 Jun 2018
Scientists Discovered the Role of Mediator in Regulating Asymmetric Stem Cell Division
A team led by LI Chuanyou at Institute of Genetics and Development Biology of Chinese Academy of Sciences discovered?the role of Mediator in controlling the spatiotemporal transcriptional output of SHR/SCR during asymmetric division of stem cells and ground tissue patterning.
01 Jun 2018