Research News
Sequential de novo Centromere Formation and Inactivation on a Chromosomal Fragment in Maize
Abstract: The group of Prof. HAN Fangpu found de novo centromere formation following centromere misdivision in maize. A 288 kb region from the short arm of chromosome 9 (9S) was involved in the centromere formation of derivative 3-3. The de novo centromere of derivative 3-3 becomes inactive in three further derivatives with new centromeres being...
17 Mar 2015
Plasma Membrane and Intracellular Endosomes Localized E3 Ligase Regulates Salt Tolerance
Abstract: Scientists in Dr. XIE Qi’s group found that STRF1, which was an active E3 ligase localized mainly at the plasma membrane and at the intracellular endosomes, regulated salt tolerance by modulating intracellular membrane trafficking.
13 Mar 2015