Research News
Chinese Scientists Uncover Gene for Rice Adaption to Low Soil Nitrogen
Chinese scientists from Institute of Genetics and Developmental Biology, Chinese Academy of Sciences found a gene OsTCP19 that plays an important role in helping rice adapt to low soil nitrogen.
07 Jan 2021
IGDB Scientists Revealed a Novel Regulation Mechanism of Centrosome Protein in Regulating Cortical Neurogenesis
A team led by Dr. WU Qingfeng from Institute of Genetics and Developmental Biology, Chinese Academy of Sciences identified a novel function of Talpid3 independent of cilia formation in regulating cortical neurogenesis
17 Dec 2020
Lipid Droplet Dynamics in Neurons Regulates Neurodegeneration
A study leading by Dr. HUANG Xun from Institute of Genetics and Developmental Biology, Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS), reveals that lipolysis and lipogenesis regulate lipid droplet dynamics and lipid droplet accumulation reduces the available PUFAs which regulate the neurodegeneration through participating into phospholipids.
10 Nov 2020
Triticum Whole-genome Genetic Variation Map Shed Light on Adaptive Evolution of Wheat
Researchers from the Institute of Genetics and Developmental Biology, Chinese Academy of Sciences construct a genus-level whole-genome genetic variation map in all crops firstly in the world.
09 Nov 2020
Researchers Uncover Novel Mechanism of Weak Apical Dominance in Rice
A research team led by Prof. CHEN Fan from the Institute of Genetics and Developmental Biology of the Chinese Academy of Sciences isolated and characterized a decreased culm number 1 (dc1) mutant in rice, which exhibits malformed spikelet, female sterile and extreme low-tillering.
04 Nov 2020
Chinese Scientists Discover Gene Helping indica Rice Tolerate High-temperature Climate
Chinese scientists found a gene which plays an important role in helping indica rice, planting in tropical and subtropical regions, tolerate the high-temperature climate.
02 Nov 2020
IGDB Scientists Revealed a Novel Regulation Mechanism of ABA Co-receptor ABI1 by the E2-E3 Complex UBC27-AIRP3
The team led by Prof. XIE Qi from the Institute of Genetics and Developmental Biology, Chinese Academy of Sciences uncovered a novel E2-E3 complex in ABI1 degradation, as well as important and complex regulation of ABA signaling by the ubiquitination system.
20 Oct 2020
IGDB Scientists Identify a Molecular Connection between Biomass Production and Nitrogen Utilization Efficiency in Rice
The group of Prof. ZHOU Yihua from the Institute of Genetics and Developmental Biology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, recently reported the identification of a variation at the MYB61, a transcription factor that is controlled by a nitrogen integrative regulator GRF4, which explains the differences in nitrogen utilization efficiency and cellulose ...
20 Oct 2020