Research News
IGDB Scientists Revealed a Major Physical Force between the Pollen S and Pistil S Interactions in Self-Incompatibility of Flowering Plants.
Researchers from Prof. XUE Yongbiao’s lab at the Institute of Genetics and Developmental Biology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, revealed that the electrostatic potentials of SLF contribute to the pollen S specificity through a physical mechanism of “like charges repel and unlike charges attract” between SLFs and S-RNases in Petunia hybrida.
07 Sep 2016
IGDB Scientists Uncover the New Member of Synaptonemal Complex during Rice Meiosis
A study team led by Prof. CHENG Zhukuan from the Institute of Genetics and Developmental Biology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, found that P31comet is a new synaptonemal complex member in rice meiosis, which was characterized to participate in metaphase/anaphase transition during mitosis.
07 Sep 2016
Scientists Discover the Important Association between DHA-enriched Neural Membrane Domains and Mitochondrial Cardiolipin during Normative Aging
SHUI Guanghou’s group from the Institute of Genetics and Developmental Biology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, reported an extensive lipidomic atlas of the changing membrane lipid landscape in the frontal cortex of Rhesus macaques across three selected age groups and discovered the important association between DHA-enriched neural membrane domain...
01 Sep 2016
Scientists Discover New Function of FAR-RED ELONGATED HYPOCOTYL3 in Plant Meristem Determinacy and Maintenance
A research group led by Prof. LIU Xigang from the Center for Agricultural Resources Research, Institute of Genetics and Developmental Biology of Chinese Academy of Sciences in collaboration with Prof. LIU Renyi from Shanghai Center for Plant Stress Biology, Shanghai Institutes for Biological Sciences of CAS discovered new function of FAR-RED ELO...
25 Jul 2016
Scientists Propose a Two-step Regulation of Leaf Axil Meristematic Cell Population
Researchers from Dr. JIAO’s group at Institute of Genetics and Developmental Biology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, found that a meristematic cell population acting as ancestor cells for axillary meristem initiation
14 Jul 2016
Scientists Find Solution to Fighting Cotton Verticillium Wilt
Scientists from CHU Chengcai’s group at the Institute of Genetics and Developmental Biology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, found that GAFP4 is a powerful candidate for genetic engineering in control of cotton Verticillium wilt disease.
08 Jul 2016
Crmp2 Plays a Critical Role in the Brain Circuitry Formation and Maintenance
Scientists from XU Zhiheng’s group at the Institute of Genetics and Developmental Biology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, and MING Guoli’s group at Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine revealed that Crmp2, a schizophrenia risk gene, plays a critical role in neural development, circuit integrity and brain function.
30 Jun 2016