Research News
Researchers Construct the Single-cell Transcriptome Atlas for the Leaf and Root of Rice Seedlings
Prof. QIAN Wenfeng’s group from the Institute of Genetics and Developmental Biology of the Chinese Academy constructed the single-cell transcriptome atlas for the leaf and root of rice seedlings.
24 Jun 2021
Scientists Achieve Ultra-fast Optical Orbiting of Nanoparticles at Subdiffraction Scale
Recently, a team led by Prof. JIANG Yuqiang from the Institute of Genetics and Developmental Biology of Chinese Academy of Sciences, collaborating with researchers from the National University of Singapore, University of Electronic Science and Technology of China, and Shanxi University, achieved ultra-fast orbital rotation rate of nanoparticles ...
17 Jun 2021
Researchers Reveal How ZmbHLH124 Functions in Plant Drought Tolerance
A joint team from Institute of Genetics and Developmental Biology, Chinese Academy of Sciences isolated one gene involved in drought response in maize by using comparative transcriptome and bin map subtraction.
01 Jun 2021
Researchers Reveal How UBC32-Rma1 Complex Increases Drought Stress Tolerance in Plant
Researchers from the Institute of Genetics and Developmental Biology of the Chinese Academy of Sciences revealed the UBC32-Rma1 complex increases drought stress tolerance in plant, which provides a new mechanism of endoplasmic reticulum-associated degradation in drought stress regulation
27 May 2021
Wheat Hybrid Necrosis Gene Ne2 Provides Leaf Rust Resistance and Valuable for Breeding New Cultivars
Scientists identified wheat leaf rust gene Lr13/LrZH22 and hybrid necrosis gene Ne2/els1, and revealed that they are the same gene exhibiting pleiotropic effects.
21 May 2021
Researchers Report the Reference Genome of Maize B Chromosome
Dr. HAN Fangpu’s group from Institute of Genetics and Developmental Biology of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, together with their collaborators, reported a reference sequence for the supernumerary B chromosome in maize.
20 May 2021
Scientists Uncover Mechanism to Initiate Structural Plasticity of Dendritic Spines
Recently a joint research uncovered the role of endophilin A1, a membrane-binding protein encoded by the disease-correlated gene sh3gl2, in acute structural plasticity of dendritic spines during the acute phase of the long-term potentiation.
20 May 2021