Research News
Researchers Reveal the Essential Role of R-loops in Maize Centromere
Dr. HAN Fangpu's group from the Institute of Genetics and Developmental Biology of the Chinese Academy of Sciences reports the genome-wide mapping of R-loops in maize.
15 Jul 2021
Researchers Reveal an Epigenetic Mechanism That Helps Plants to Live under High Temperatures
Recently, a research team led by Dr. JIANG Danhua from the Institute of Genetics and Developmental Biology (IGDB) of the Chinese Academy of Sciences investigated how the model plant Arabidopsis adjusts its growth under high temperatures and discovered a chromatin and transcription-based mechanism in thermomorphogenesis.
15 Jul 2021
Continuous Activation of Immune Response Mediated by Ne2 Results in Hybrid Necrosis in Wheat
Recently, the research group led by Prof. LING Hongqing from the Institute of Genetics and Developmental Biology of the Chinese Academy of Sciences isolated the responsible genes and illustrated the formation mechanism of wheat hybrid necrosis.
05 Jul 2021
Chinese Researchers Revealed the Synergistic Interplay of Stress Hormone and Growth Hormone
Researchers led by Prof. CHU Chengcai and Associate Prof. TANG Jiuyou at the Institute of Genetics and Developmental Biology of the Chinese Academy of Sciences revealed that a short-term low-concentration effect of abscisic acid on rice seedling is synergized, rather than antagonized, by the brassinosteroid signaling pathway, which sheds new lig...
05 Jul 2021
Researchers Construct the Single-cell Transcriptome Atlas for the Leaf and Root of Rice Seedlings
Prof. QIAN Wenfeng’s group from the Institute of Genetics and Developmental Biology of the Chinese Academy constructed the single-cell transcriptome atlas for the leaf and root of rice seedlings.
24 Jun 2021
Scientists Achieve Ultra-fast Optical Orbiting of Nanoparticles at Subdiffraction Scale
Recently, a team led by Prof. JIANG Yuqiang from the Institute of Genetics and Developmental Biology of Chinese Academy of Sciences, collaborating with researchers from the National University of Singapore, University of Electronic Science and Technology of China, and Shanxi University, achieved ultra-fast orbital rotation rate of nanoparticles ...
17 Jun 2021
Researchers Reveal How ZmbHLH124 Functions in Plant Drought Tolerance
A joint team from Institute of Genetics and Developmental Biology, Chinese Academy of Sciences isolated one gene involved in drought response in maize by using comparative transcriptome and bin map subtraction.
01 Jun 2021